[[Action Post]]

Jun 06, 2010 23:16

[Well, well, Luceti, I hope you enjoyed your break from Moro. The silence of the evening is ripped to shreds by a loud, roaring howl, with volume indicating that it could only come from Moro's giant lungs, regardless of her distance from the village ( Read more... )

aku, scar, toboe, yuber, cooro, monkey d. luffy, san, emil castagnier, toph

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scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 04:48:04 UTC
[Scar hears that howl and stills in his nightly wanderings. A call to arms, even he recognizes it for what it was, lion's having a similar cry for when what was brewing.

The old lion sighs and twitches his tail and wings a bit.]

Oh wonderful, another territorial tiff. That just seem to follow me.


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 04:49:34 UTC
[The distinct smell of territorial markings are getting stronger throughout the forest, too, as she moves to erase Yuber's scent.]


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 05:00:13 UTC
[He can't help but wrinkle his nose, but understands the reasoning. Not that he likes it. He would rather it be his markings instead of Moro's. However, Scar knows how to pick his fights and fighting her is very, very low on his to do list.

Not with out an entire legion of Hyena's anyway. Somehow he doesn't see that happening anytime soon. So he continues his wandering, keeping an eye out for her as he moves through the forest.]


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 05:01:52 UTC
[He might encounter her positioned on a hill, letting loose one particularly loud call-to-arms.]


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 05:07:14 UTC
[That he does. His ear's flatten themselves against his black mane as he quietly approaches, staying close to the ground for precautionary sake. Especially with that loud call-to-arm so close to his delicate hearing.]

Should I be asking when the war so I may not be there or is attendance mandatory?


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 05:08:39 UTC
[Moro looks down at Scar, chuckling.]

I will be charging into the nest of the demon Yuber tonight.


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 05:14:43 UTC
[Demon, of course. He would very much like to not be there.]

Then I suppose I shall wish you good luck. Somehow, I don't think an old lion such as myself will be of much use against a demon.


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 05:17:10 UTC
Be at ease, dear child.


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 05:18:48 UTC
[That just got a quirked eyebrow and a momentary look of distaste. He hadn't been a cub in years.]

As you wish. This is your forest after all.


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 05:20:30 UTC
It is not my forest. It is too small and weak, and it is not my home. I simply must be its guardian until I may return to my world and return to the blessing of death I have longed for.


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 05:24:18 UTC
[Now that catches his interest. He takes a seat near her and tilts his head a little as his tail taps against the ground.]

I see. If death is what awaits you once you return home, then why would you want to leave? One would think that you would take every course of action you could to remain alive.


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 15:21:15 UTC
Because it was a death given to me by the Forest Spirit. The very god of life and death himself.

If he believes that I should rest instead of suffering at the hands of humans, then I am humbled by his judgment.


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 17:00:12 UTC
[Right. He never was one to bide by someones judgment,Gods or no Gods. For the moment he kept his features neutral as he glanced up at her.]

One would think that such fine creature as yourself wouldn't have a problem with humans. I don't understand how you can let another choose when you die, regardless if they are a God or not. I admit, such things make little sense to me.


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 17:05:10 UTC
They created guns. Even now, deep within my chest rests a human bullet, rattling my bones and weakening me.

That is his duty. And I would dare not to question him. He breathed life into me, and it is his decision when to take it back.


scar_not_taka June 7 2010, 18:58:08 UTC
[He just falls silent. He still doesn't quite understand it. Of course, following someone elses designs hardly suited him. So he just let the subject drop.]

Now, what is to be expected from your upcoming battle? Is it something that I should wish to be far, far away from? I would hate to have to vacate to that... village. Even if its temporary.


biteoffherhead June 7 2010, 21:36:15 UTC
I will pass through the mountains and slay him in his nest.


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