
Nov 16, 2010 19:01

[This little fluffball has been scarce - between staying with San and Ginko to be fed and nurtured, she hasn't really been roaming. However, San had gotten into a fight with a demon, and that wasn't a safe place to be... but staying in the company of humans for too long was ill-suited for a young god ( Read more... )

sapphire, sayo, fujiko mine, rokuta, vash, saber

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entaiho November 17 2010, 00:35:13 UTC
[Rokuta has kept to human form in town, but outside that doesn't always hold true. Sometimes it's nice to resume his true form and actually run, out where nobody will see him; today he's exploring the forest, following a curious path already estabilshed there.

He knows there are other beings in the wood, for he's caught scents that he'd rather avoid. This path seems clear enough for the moment, but as he trots along he still keeps his ears pricked and senses alert. It's still a little too unfamiliar a place for him to get very comfortable.]


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 00:39:56 UTC
[She hears the sounds of hooves behind her, stopping to look down the path and see what sort of horse...

...until she catches the scent. Not unlike the scent of the forest spirit... the pup quickly lowers herself to the ground in a bow of respect.]


entaiho November 17 2010, 00:48:59 UTC
[He stops short upon seeing her, one forehoof still poised in mid-air; his ears swivel forward and nostrils flare as he considers scent and appearance. It's... nothing he's encountered before, certainly. Dangerous, but not in the way a wild youma would be. He thinks. Everything is so odd in this world, but though his shirei are alert they don't seem to sense an immediate threat.

Rokuta finally lowers that hoof to the ground again, then cautiously approaches -- just a few steps, first. He's definitely curious, though.]


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 00:51:44 UTC
[Moro watches from her bow, quietly watching the creature of myth.]

Forgive my ignorance, I am but a pup... what manner of god are you?


entaiho November 17 2010, 00:58:15 UTC
[Rokuta pauses again, tail flicking once as he gives a snort of both surprise and amusement. Ah, so it does talk without being constrained. That makes things easier.

A god, though? Shouryuu would hurt himself laughing to hear that.]

I'd hardly claim to be a god. Just a kirin. That's more than enough.


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 01:00:32 UTC
A... kirin?

[Moro sits up, looking up at him curiously.]

Mother has told me of no such thing...


entaiho November 17 2010, 01:08:01 UTC

[He paces forward a few more steps, lowering his head slightly to survey the curious wolf not-youma.]

How old are you, pup?


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 01:09:26 UTC
I have seen five moons since my eyes opened...


entaiho November 17 2010, 01:13:29 UTC
I see.

[Definitely a kid, then. He usually gets along with kids, and this one seems friendly enough. If fuzzy.]

Where I'm from, kirin are... well, sent by the gods to help the people.


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 01:25:01 UTC
You are an emissary?


entaiho November 17 2010, 01:30:54 UTC
[He hesitates to consider, then finally huffs out a breath of air.]

I suppose that's close enough.


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 01:33:26 UTC
...I am Moro, god-pup to the guardian god of the Forest Spirit.


entaiho November 17 2010, 01:42:05 UTC
Pleasure to meet you, Moro. I'm called Rokuta.


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 01:43:36 UTC
I had not smelled your scent in this forest before.


entaiho November 17 2010, 02:29:36 UTC

Yeah, I'm a pretty recent arrival.

Is your mother here, too?


tooflippincute November 17 2010, 02:58:34 UTC
I cannot find her.


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