May 25, 2010 00:12
Well now that i'm jobless it's a bit odd.I'm happy that I'm free of all the stress and just general headache of FASTAFF but at the same time I miss seeing everyone everyday. I miss the faces of my family that I've had for the last 5 years of my life.
Being unemployed is interesting...I hate not having something to do all day. So I shall start my crazy workout regieme on Wednesday. Once in the am just cardio then home to read/sleep by the pool weights in the afternoon home again to do what have you for a few hours and then some cardio at night. I figure I have no job so I'll make working out my job for now. Which is exactly what my plan was if I did in fact lose my job.
I'm not exactly too thrilled with the way it all went down. But I know how shady my old boss can be so it's not surprising. Fucking cunt. If I see her in an alley she better watcher her freakin back that's all I have to say. lol I could have a rusty shank...just sayin ;-) jk
I guess now this means I can work on my writing a little more as well. No job equals working on all of those things I've left on the back burner. :) Which could be good I haven't been spending any time on ME so it'll be nice to try and step back and focus on just me for now.
Rich is coming to get Distraction on Friday :( my baby will be gone. And Bash will have a new home too this weekend so I will be puppy-less. I'm so sad about that. :( But it's for the best and I'd rather them get acclimated to their new homes as soon as possible rather than waiting until I ship out to figure out where they're going. I've put myself on a timeline to hopefully be at weight by my birthday. Not too far off but at the same time not an unreasonable goal. I'm excited for this new adventure but sad to see the last chapter of my life come to an end.
I'm still not sure if i'm going to get internet at my home since I may move down to the springs in a few months. We'll see. I guess I could always do the Cricket internet and then cancel it when I move. hmm Although some part of me wants to play WOW again adn I cannot do that i must say no to that little demon inside of me. Stupid WOW. Royce is putting a bunch of tv shows and things on my computer so i have some entertainment since i have no cable either. Anyway I'm done updating it's already super long and I'm sleepy. Night all
Shannon Brittany