bOred !

Dec 04, 2004 23:33

Name?: Jennifer
Favorite Color?: PINK !!
Birthdate?: 11-22
Day You Were Born?: I have no clue ; l0l
Zodiac?: Sag. baby
Sex?: 1oo % female
Height?: 5'2
Brothers or Sisters?: 2 full brothers 1 step brother n 1 step cunt
Names?: Eddie, Eric, Kyle, `nd Kristy
Ages?: 8,6,5, `nd 14
Parents?: Mom `nd Step dad
Names?: Mary `nd Rob
Do You Get Along With Them?: most of the time
Married or Divorced?: divorced then married
Pets?: umm some fish l0l
Names?: sorry but i don't name all my fish l0l
Website?: im not that creative to make my own ... lmao
AOL screen name:? xx JeNnYe xx -or- o0sHaWrTyGuRl0o
Yahoo screen name?: o0sHaWrTyGuRl0o
ICQ?: dont have one
MSN screen name?: i don't like MSN
How Many People Are On Your Buddylist?: im at the capacity l0l .. [[200]]
Personality?: im the life of the party, mostly nice unless you piss me off, really bubby and always smiling, the one who all of my friends come to for advise or just someone to talk to, really open-mined, and cant forget cRaZy !!

Your Friends

Best Friend?: Tiki [[ Antonique Christine Motley ]] 12 years `nd counting
Most Outgoing?: Ambra
Shyest?: gotta be kelleen
Weirdest?: ummm ... Kyle A.
Most Fun?: gotta be mii crazii black gangster [[ambra!]]
Craziest?: me `nd ambra together !! hahaha
Saddest?: Kristi
Meanest?: gotta be me ; i get told all the time that there should be a mean gurls 2 and that i would be the main actress lmao
One You Hang Out With The Most?: Ambra `nd Kristi
One You IM The Most?: James =)
Talk To The Most?: Ambra
Happiest?: Ashely .. she is always happy no matter what
Moodiest?: Alex
Most Artistic?: Brittany
Who is Your Favorite Shopping Partner?: gotta be craig not only does his mom take us on $1,000 shoppin sprees all the time since he is gay he has the best taste !!
Best Dressed?: Kentucky !! a.k.a tiffany
Best Hair?: use to be me before i got it cut =(
Weirdest Hair?: Kim


GPA?: almost a 3.o =D
Favorite Class?: English (( teh teacher is my ass. basketball coach so i get to do everything for him and get away with everything))
Most Hated Class?: env. science
Easiest Class?: weight lifting
Hardest Class?: alg. 1b l0l i kno ima loser
Do You Go To School Dances?: hell yeah

Have You Ever.........

Smoked?: yes
Drank?: yes
Partied All Night Long?: do you have any idea who ur talkin to ? l0l
Kissed Someone?: Yes
Been Kissed?: Yes
Killed Someone?: no , but i have the perfect way to. moooo haaaa (( evil laugh)) lmao
Dyed Someones Hair?: Yes
Kicked Someone In The Balls?: no thats just cruel
Punched Someone?: Yes
Bit Someone?: LOL! ohh yes
Been Hurt (physically)?: Yes
Been Hurt (emotionally)?: Yes
Loved Someone So Much It Made You Cry?: i really dont think it was <3
Done Any Form Of Self-Mutilation?: ewww no , i cant even watch movie that have it in it
Participated In A Cult?: Deff. not !
Bribed Someone?: im the best at it ;)
Spat On Someone?: hell yeah and the cunt deserved it
Been Spat On?: no and if i was someone would be gettin hitt in the face
Been Teased?: Yes
Teased Someone?: Yes
Licked Someone?: yes
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