hOpe yOur readii tO read !! lmaO

Oct 25, 2004 17:50

sOo0o i actually haven't updated this thing in like forever .. i keep on forgetting . so let`s see what jenn has been up tp latley .... ((lol))

Today (gonna go backwards ; helps me remember .lol) :

went to school on like an hour hour and 1/2 of sleep. boy was i tired. school was very intresting, filled with drama, but this time i cared cause i was in it. n i didnt like that too much. i slept in a couple classes , but it was ok cause i did my work too. lol.

talked to trish today .. me and her are gonna chill sometime soon , damn i miss that girl !! I LOVE YOU TRSIH !! lol

well the day isnt over soo lets see what else is to come. tehe


only got 5 hours of sleep = / . i was tired ! but my mom mad me craig and ambra breakfast cause she knew we were gonna be hurtin'. it was a nice jesture of her. Thanks mom = ). hehe.

me craig and ambra went up to the carnival , it was ok ; not as good as i thought it would be , but it could have been worse ... they had some good food. lol.

we all chilled at my house for a lil bit and when everyone went home i went for a jog. it was nice, gave me some time to think, ya know? well when i got back i got into the shower and then i talked to Blake on the fone. ((He's back from winter park = D i'm soOo0o happy !! )) `n'd he wanted to chill so i got ready and i went out with him. we had so much fun ; partyin` it up just like the good ol` days. it was fun. deff. didnt get home till like 3:30-4, but it was ok. lol.



today was homecoming .. everyone got ready at my house excpt for kenny, he came over a lil later. me craig and ambra just chilled around my house and did some last min. things before we had to get ready. ambra looked so pretty, she was wearin` a dress =0 . that was a oncfe and a lifetime thing. lol. i would put pics up here ... but i dont know how .. so just IM me and ask for them. when kenny got here we all took pics. it was fun, we all got pics. together , by ourselves, and with each other. it was cute. then we went out to red lobster for dinner, and the waither was gonna buy us beer when he got off work !?!?! i think it was only cause he thought i was hott though.lol. we got to the dance like a hour late but it was ok cause the first hour is always the worst. we all had a good time at the dance. it was a crazy night. lolwhen the dance was over we came back to my house ... got changed and left again, we were everywhere till like 4:30 cause craig was gettin tired cause he hasd been up since 6:30 cause he had to work. poor kidd.lol. well that was a crazy ass night ... and tons of fun. = D


today was spirit day at school. ... i was wearin a pair of springstead football shorts and my shirt that i made. i even painted my face red and blue ! it was a fun day. we watched braveheart in history class.lol. the homecoming game was tonight. we lost by 2 points !! no our undefeated record is now 6-1. but it ws an awesome game, wild 98.7 was there and we were the bright house channel 47 game of the week. i was on t.v. with everyone cheerin with the mascot !! = ) but i also met someone very intresting there ... Alex's other girlfriend !! she wanted to fight me !! but cynthia and ambra calmed her down. me and her strated talking and then decided to be a royal cunt to alex when the game was over. they let like the last min. run out on the clock ... which i dont know why, but anyways , we were standing at the end of the feild waiting for him to leave. and he was the first person off the feild .. we were both standing there and we were like "heyy alex" and then he was like mann w/e .. w/e mann. and i was like whats wrong alex and he was like nothing , nothing man , its just the game. and i was like o-really well its about to be alot more then just the game. and then he practically ran in to the locker room. then i was standing out there and was like good game guys .. to all the hudson players.lol eric looked at me like i know that girl from somewhere but i dont know where. lol but i didnt say anything to him. o-well. it was fun.


today was celebrity day. i went as me in 5 years. lol i looked hott. i did my make-up all crazy like you would see on the run-way and everything. it was great. that day we had the eagle games during school. my class came in last place .. we suck. lol . me and ambra should have been out there. NOT. that day after school me and ambra went and got our nails done then we took ambra home and me and craig went tanning. then we came back to my house and chilled. after craig left i went for a jog.


i didnt go to school today. me and craig went up to cirtus park mall and did some last min. shopping for homecoming. it was fun. we got craig an outfit from abcrombie .. he looks soo cute. big props to me for picking out the pants = ) that night i went up to the claw. i didnt have a ride so kenny cam and got me !! hehe. we went up there and chilled , we got there late so we didnt get to see ambras skit. she was kinda upset but it was ok. it was over kinda early and we didnt wanna go home yet, kenny took me to mcdonalds cause i was hungary and i only got a double cheeseburger. then we went back to the school to get ambra and then to some kidd james` house and chilled for a lil bit. then we took ambra home then kenny took me home. it was a fun night. i went jogging late tonight ... didnt go till like 11:30. but o-well


today was superhero day .. i didnt dress up cause i didnt know what to be. o-well. today was the carnival at school so i did nothing all day in school. lol. 1st per. i had to help my teacher set up his booth and for doing so he let me play some ddr for free !! it was soo much fun, i was showing p the ppl who broguth the game !! hehe . almost every prd. i go to go to the carnival. i spent sooo much money on ddr. lol ... i think it was one of the only things i did. it was a fun day though.


today was clash day ... me and ambra clashed madd crazy. we had belts on our heads !! lol we went crazy with it. i went to mcdonads afterschool cause i hadnt eaten in like 2 days. went to the bon-fire and the car show that night. it was fun. i paied for ambra and sonia to sumo. it was sooo funny. we were all havin fun dancin' and then we amost got kick out for dancin'. it was retarded. tony gave me a ride home that night. i havent seem him in like forever. it was fun. there was suposta be a fight up at mcdonalds but it never happened.

well i cant remember what happened any further. lol.
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