bOred !

Oct 01, 2004 15:53

(1)What is your name?: Jennifer
(2) Are you happy with it?: hell yeah
(3) Are you named after anyone?: no thank you
(4) Your nickname: Jenn, Jennie, Jennie poo poo, Robin, Snickerdoodle, Pink Lemonaide
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you?: no that would be too confussing
(7) Then what would you name your children?: idk i dont even wanna think about kidds yet
(8)if u were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?: umm idk my mom kewl that her first kidd would be a girl.
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would it be?: i wouldn`t
(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do to your name? yeah, you would be suprised how many diff, ways ppl spell Jennifer
(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: hell no, i got a famous last name
(12) Your gender: Female
(13) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(14) Single?: yes for the moment
(15) Want to be?: no ! gosh darn it !
(16) Do you have a crush? oui oui !
(17) Your birth date: november 22
(18) Age you act: around like 17-18, but sometimes i just like to goof off
(19) Age you wish you were: 21 baby !
(20) Your height: 5'1"
(21) The color of your eyes: green
(22) Happy with it?: yeah there pretty
(23) The color of your hair: dark brown
(24) Happy with it?: hell no ! grrrr
(25) Left/right/ambidextrous?: righty
(26) Your living arrangement?: at home with the rents
(27) Your family: my mommy, step-daddy, and 3 lil brothers and 1 lil cunt
(28) Have any pets?: i ahve a fish =)
(29) What's your job?: student // model // actress
(30) Piercings?: ears, tranky, belly-button, and tounge
(31) Tattoos?: none yet
(33) Addictions?: umm boys, double cheeseburgers from mcdonald`s, same w. their ice cream cones, make-up, shopping, saying like, lol
(33) Obsessions?: umm tupac
(34) Do you collect anything?: do shoes count if i have alot fo them ?
(35) Do you speak another language?: oui, je parler francaise !
(36) Have a favorite quote?: i have alot of faves.
(37) Do you have a webpage?: no but i have a webcam
(38) Do you live in the moment?: ohh yes
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: it depends on the person and my mood
(40) Do you have any secrets?: ohh yes
(41) Do you hate yourself?: y would i ?
(42) Do you like your handwriting?: yes yes i do
(43) Do you have any bad habits?: i talk like im from the vally, and i say like wayy to much
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?: my eyes, and it use to be my hair, but not aynmore =(
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: umm "don`t let your children watch this" lmao
(46) What's your biggest fear?: dieing alone
(47) Can you sing?: yes indeed
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: hell no, i am the coolest, ppl try to be me. lol
(49) Are you a loner?: most deff. not
(50) What are your most important priorities in life?: family, school, basketball, friends, bf, tennis
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: it depends on who i was
(52) Are you a daredevil?: ohh yeah
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: MY HAIR !!!! grrr !!
(54) Are you passive or aggressive?: it depends, aggressive most of the time though !! lol
(55) Have you got a diary?: just my LJ
(56) One thing you want more than anything in the world: just to be happy
(58) There are three wells: love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one. Which one would you drink of?: umm most likley love
(59) How do you vent?: tell my friends and them we plan to beat them
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: no
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in your life: i dont regret things cause everythign happens for a reson
(62) Do you think life has been good so far?: pretty darn good
(63) Do you think you are good looking?: yea, but i was hotter w. my old hair
(64) Are you confident?: i have to be, its in my job description
(65) Do people know how you feel?: sometimes
(66) Are you perceived wrongly?: umm every so often
(67) Talk to strangers who IM you?: if they get my s.n off of somewhere like fb or ftj or wyht then yeah other then that no
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