Nov 03, 2004 19:05
What the hell? I read Chris's Myspace and he deleted all the coments/ pic comments i made of him.. Grr... I dont know why, but i had to say that.. oh well, there must be some reason... So anyways, I got my braces removed!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! ::dances naked with the hula hoop:: okay.. dont ask about the hula hoop.. thats a story that would take like, a week to explain.. but anyways, yeah, i dont have braces! and Im stoked 'cuase its almost thanksgiving, and i love the the break in between classes.. its nifty. Oh.. i m a little bumbed about Aine.. for some reason i dont think that she likes me anymore.. well, as a friend i mean. Its like, i feel like whenever i want to hang out with her, im just a stupid tag along.. i dunno.. maybe im just being a downer.. i just hope that if YOU are reading this aine, that you know that i love you, and if there was a reason why you are angry with me or otherwise unhappy, please tell me. Oh yes, um.. what else? i think thats all for me today.. peace and ♥, anony-miss