Feb 17, 2011 13:34
[ with both Misaki and Savyna disappearing, Kisa hasn't been too happy lately. She's holding a Pokéball with a visible scratch on it, staring down at it and rolling it around in her hands like it's some kind of mystical future-predicting thing. It's only when she looks up that the sad wistfulness disappears, replaced by... a whole lot of trepidation. ]
[ she'd nudged by a Luxio, encouragingly, and Ari the Growlithe decides to alert the network to a post by barking.
Rather loudly.
So loudly, in fact, that several people strolling around Goldenrod stop and stare, and Kisa looks even more terrified but gets the message. It probably helps that the Togepi perched on her shoulder waves her little stubs and ROARS in response to any staring passersby. Yep, that did it. ]
U-um--! My... my name is... Kisa Sohma... I'm a Breeder. The... the guide said we... give eggs to worthy trainers, s-so, if you wanted a Growlithe, or... maybe a Girafarig, or a Shinx-- [ she nods to Phaenna the Luxio. ] Or anything else, please... let me know, and I can probably get you an egg.
[ a shaky sigh. ]
I won't... sell them. But if you can take good care of them, that's... good enough.
Th... thank you for listening!
[ yeah, about five months in Johto, and Kisa FINALLY gets into the breeding business. If you want Shinx eggs, she'll actually have them soon, though without egg moves. ]
breeding is hard,
how do i pokemon,
do you want this baby,
dogs laying eggs,
the tiger speaks tonight,
when a dog and a rat...