BSL alert bulletin! Check for pending laws that affect YOU!

Sep 14, 2007 00:13

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Sep 13, 2007 11:29 PM

Pitbull type dog cornered by police
From: TANK
Date: 13/09/2007

A POLICE hunt was launched for a suspected dangerous dog on the loose in Merseyside.

Officers spent an hour tracking what they thought was a pitbull terrier-type dog after it gave them the slip.

Police had stopped a vehicle and during a routine search discovered the dog which they suspected was a banned breed.

As they prepared to seize it under the Dangerous Dogs Act the animal ran off.

Officers on patrol on the ground were joined in the search by the force helicopter.

The dog ran around Waterloo and Crosby, wandering into front gardens, before officers cornered it in Dickinson Newsagent, Cooks Road, Great Crosby.

The dog was captured in the upstairs of the shop.

It will now be examined by expert dog handlers to identify whether it is a banned American pitbull.

Seven recommendations
From: TANK
Date: 13/09/2007

The two-page memo from the Dangerous Animal Task Force makes seven recommendations:

* Baltimore County Department of Health to update existing literature related to licensing of dogs.

* Dog safety education sessions in the Baltimore County library system to be facilitated by a partner that promotes the humane treatment of animals via education.

* Promotion of dog licensure by the Health Department through the placement of informational signage at libraries.

* Consideration of promoting licensing through literature that would be mailed with tax bills.

* Health Department to work with area veterinarians to promote animal licensing.

* Increase financial penalties to owners of unlicensed animals.

* Review current laws with specific goal of providing input on potential changes to current local and state legislation related to nuisance owners and breed-specific licensing.

Monique Lyle, a Health Department spokeswoman, said the task force is concerned that many residents are not aware of the licensing regulations.

"You can't really expect someone to comply with the law if they don't know about it," Lyle said.

Councilman Vince Gardina, who called for the task force after the mauling of a boy in his district in April.

Mahoning County officials will back Youngstown's tougher pit
From: TANK
Date: 13/09/2007

YOUNGSTOWN - Top city and Mahoning County officials say there won't be a problem enforcing Youngstown's tougher pit bull terrier law.

But it will probably be a few days after the law takes effect on Saturday.

Word has yet to trickle down to Michael Fox, the county's dog warden.

Youngstown Mayor Jay Williams and city Prosecutor Jay Macejko as well as county Commissioners John McNally IV and Anthony Traficanti said the city and county are in agreement about the enforcement.

The commissioners will sit down early next week with Fox to instruct him to follow the new city ordinance, Traficanti said.

Fox told The Vindicator last week that he had no intention of enforcing portions of the city's pit bull law that exceed Ohio Revised Code.

Fox recently said he hasn't been told anything different from county officials.

But "I work for the county commissioners ... and if they told me to enforce a municipal ordinance, I would," Fox said.

Fox's initial comments didn't sit well with Traficanti, Williams and Macejko.

"Mike Fox shouldn't be making policy statements for the commissioners," Traficanti said.

Williams said he had cooperation on this issue from the commissioners and spoke to county Administrator George Tablack, who told him the ordinance would be enforced. Tablack couldn't be reached to comment Tuesday or Wednesday.

"People above [Fox's] pay grade tell us differently" about enforcement, the mayor said.

"Mr. Fox was a little too quick to offer his comments," added Macejko.

What's in new law

McNally, a former Youngstown law director, said the county will cooperate fully with the city's new pit bull law.

Much of the pit bull legislation approved by city council last week is similar to state laws, such as keeping the dogs securely confined, requiring owners to carry liability insurance of at least $100,000, and registering each dog with the county dog warden.

The Youngstown ordinance has two major departures from state law: a ban on future ownership of pit bulls beginning Saturday, and requiring the dogs to be on a leash no longer than 4 feet. The state allows pit bulls on leashes no longer than 6 feet.

The ordinance, making Youngstown one of a small number of cities in the country with an outright ban on new pit bulls beginning Saturday, has drawn a great deal of complaints from dog lovers in Youngstown, the Mahoning Valley and throughout the country.

A Web site - - founded in 2003 in the Chicago area to oppose dog breed specific legislation recently posted information on the Youngstown law. Included is a comment with the home telephone numbers of the seven city council members to call and complain about the law. Also listed is the e-mail address of the city clerk.

Some complaints

Several dog owners and breeders have complained that the legislation unfairly targets canines considered pit bulls or pit bull mixes. They say it's a misconception that pit bulls are dangerous.

City officials said the law was approved because of an escalating problem involving pit bulls, including dog fighting contests and attacks toward people and other pets.

The legislation was adopted last week at a special council meeting. Council doesn't permit the public to speak at special meetings.

Teri Kechler of Fifth Avenue, who owns two pit bull mixes and attended last week's meeting, is asking council to let her speak against the legislation at its meeting next Wednesday.

Also, Maura R. Evans of Rigby Street, who adopted what she believes is a mixed pit bull, has asked to speak at the meeting.

"I wonder why so much is going into banning pit bulls and making it difficult on owners who follow the law," she said. "I truly believe the problem lies with owners who aren't doing what they should. I am amazed that they think those people who are already not the best owners will go ahead and follow this law."

Welcome to my Home State of Ohio where I had to fight for Tank's life for simply riding in the backseat of my car with me

Pit Bulls :-)
From: Stop Animal Cruelty
Date: 13/09/2007

I'd like to thank Bowling Greene Humane Society KY for sending this to me. Check it out. :-)

Latest Update on Abused Mom Pit and Pups in Fulton County
From: Satoashley
Date: 13/09/2007

This good news just in from Chamblee, who's friend videotaped the abuse and posted it on YouTube!! Lori


Please write to thank Assistant District Attorney, Laura Janssen, for her
heroic actions to remove the abused mother pit and her pups from the abusive home Tuesday night. [see message and video below].

Laura's email address is:

Please also write to the Fulton County Commissioners to express your concern and your desire for an anti-tethering ordinance in Fulton. A chaining ban would eventually eliminate 90% of Fulton's abuse and neglect cases as most pet owners who abuse and neglect (and raise pit bulls for breeding and fighting) keep their dogs was the mother pit in this story,
chained to a chain link fence, even while caring for her newborn pups.

Fulton County Commissers email addresses:

Commission website:

From: YouTube Service
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 4:32 PM
Subject: sent you a video!

YouTube Broadcast Yourself wants to share a video with you

Great news everyone, the Fulton County DA's office and the Atlanta
Police took the dogs from the home this evening. The owner agreed to give
up the dogs and they were taken by Fulton County Animal Control at about
8:00pm this evening. The district attorneys office, in particular Laura
Janssen was instrumental in saving these dogs. In the videos you can see
the mother dog licking the faces of a detective and Laura. I want to stress
what a great animal advocate Laura is. She was wearing a very nice suit and was covered in fecal matter, from having cradled these pups in her arms. It is amazing that one of the assistant DA's would take the time to go to such a scene and to show these abused animals such love and affection. Laura Janssen is an angel. Please email the DA's office and let them know that you appreciate her compassion and thank DA Paul Howard as well for pursuing this case. Without them this would not have been possible.

Unfortunately one of the pups was given away last night, but the
DA's office is working to have him returned. Three of the other pups were
given away previously and we attempted to get the new owners to release the pup to animal control so it could get the appropriate veterinary care.
Sadly the owner resisted and became irate.

Since the pup was not in the original video and was not considered
evidence, there was nothing that could be done. At least the mother and
three of her babies have been saved. Please note how excited Gypsey (the
mother dog) was to leave with animal control officer. She ran out of that
yard as fast as she could.

I would also like to thank Susan Feingold of Fulton County Animal
Services for her efforts to end this cruelty. Apparently they did all they
could under the laws of the state of Georgia; which are inadequate when it
comes to prosecuting animal abuse cases. We, as animal lovers and advocates need to push for new legislation to protect the animals of Georgia from abuse and to provide for easier prosecution in these cases In particular, anti-tethering(chaining) laws must be enacted. Invariably, most dog abuse cases involve dogs that are tethered. Tethering needs to be illegal in Georgia and every other state. Additionally, animal control officers need to be able to take abused animals into protective custody based on their observations. In Georgia, it is apparently nearly impossible for one of
these officers to remove an animal from an abusive situation without a
nightmare of red tape and archaic laws.Please contact your state
legislators and lobby for changes .

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who viewed these
videos and passed the links on to friends and colleagues. Thank you for the
emails and and phone calls sent to various governmental agencies and media outlets. Without your groundswell of support this would not have been possible. If you see abuse happening, document it on video, post it to
Youtube and Craigslist and push for a positive outcome for the abused

From: cryster
Date: 13/09/2007


I've recently heard people say " I don't care what Vick did, It doesn't affect me" well here's a video of the living things he did affect. (or at least people like him.)

The HSUS Releases List: Best & Worst State Dogfighting Laws
From: Chris Murphy...
Date: 13/09/2007

Posted by Deanna - For the Love of the Dog under Dog Fighting, Laws & Legislation, Animal Advocacy, Crimes Against Canines, News & Updates

Idaho, Wyoming, Georgia, Nevada and Hawaii Ranked Worst

Idaho, Wyoming, Georgia, Nevada and Hawaii have the weakest dogfighting laws on the books, allowing some aspects of the cruel practice to go completely unpunished, and punishing others with little more than a slap on the wrist, according to The Humane Society of the United States, which recently analyzed state dogfighting laws.

The organization, which examined dogfighting laws in each state and in Washington, D.C., is working with legislators to strengthen laws against this cruel activity.

Idaho and Wyoming are last on the list because they remain the only states in the nation that do not consider dogfighting a felony. Worst-ranked Idaho carries misdemeanor penalties with a minimum $100 fine and a maximum six-month jail sentence.

Although they provide felony penalties for dogfighting, Georgia, Nevada, Hawaii and Montana ranked near the bottom of the list. It is legal to possess dogs for fighting in Georgia and Nevada and it is legal to be a spectator at a dogfight in Georgia, Montana and Hawaii.

“Now that the nation has been awakened to the horrors of dogfighting and its prevalence, states with weak dogfighting laws need to step up to the plate,” said John Goodwin, The HSUS’ manager of animal fighting issues. “Strong felony penalties for dogfighting, including being a spectator at a fight, are essential to controlling this criminal, multi-million dollar industry. No one who fights dogs or who is complicit in this horribly cruel activity should be able to escape the law.”

States with strong felony penalties against dogfighting provide stronger deterrence to participants and better tools for law enforcement officials. The five states with the best laws - New Jersey, Alabama, Colorado, Mississippi and Arizona - carry felony penalties for dogfighting, attending a dogfight and possessing fighting dogs.

At the federal level, President Bush signed the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act in May 2007. That law strengthened federal penalties from a misdemeanor to a felony for moving animals across state lines to participate in animal fights. This summer, Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representatives Betty Sutton (D-OH), Elton Gallegly (R-CA) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) have introduced additional legislation in Congress that would further upgrade federal penalties for dogfighting and make it a federal crime to engage in dogfighting, possess dogs for fighting or be a spectator at a dogfight without requiring prosecutors to prove a specific dog was moved across state lines or national borders.

“Lawmakers across the country are aware of the high price that communities pay for weak dogfighting laws,” said Michael Markarian, The HSUS’ executive vice president. “Dogfighting is also associated with other criminal conduct, such as gambling, drug trafficking, illegal firearms use and violence toward people. Dogfighters steal pets to use as bait for training their dogs, and even allow trained fighting dogs to roam neighborhoods and endanger the public. And of course the dogs involved suffer the most when they are forced to inflict serious or fatal injuries on each other or are killed in gruesome ways because they aren’t winning.”

To see a complete HSUS rankings list, go to

From: ♥ Shannon ♥
Date: Sep 13, 2007 11:10 AM


Calling all responsible pit bull owners, advocates and fanciers... Please mark Saturday, October 20, 2007 on your calendars for the first nationwide Pit Bull Awareness Day.

In light of the constant negative publicity that surrounds pit bulls, we felt it was time to establish a day to focus on these incredible dogs and their responsible owners. The media berates our dogs daily. Legislators have labeled pit bull owners as the "criminal element" who only own pit bulls to enhance their macho image.

Its time we set the record straight.

Regardless of where you are located, please join Bless the Bullys and the Bull Breed Alliance of Tennessee in celebrating this wonderful breed and their devoted, responsible owners/advocates.

Please participate in an activity on October 20, 2007 to promote and celebrate responsible pit bull ownership. Regardless of the activity you choose - a dog walk, a candlelight vigil, an educational workshop or just a friendly get together - please sign up to participate so people in your area know and can participate and promote responsible ownership with you.

Its time to show the world that all pit bull owners ARE NOT alike, and that responsible pit bull owners are no longer willing to sit back and be judged by the image set by the visible minority of irresponsible owners.

It will take time to reverse the damage already done, but together, we can change the image bestowed upon our dogs (and their owners)!

To participate and add an event in your town, go to:
Scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form.

Thank you!
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