Buffy/Angel Fic: IWRY Marathon

Nov 23, 2010 07:52


There has never been such a thing as an innocent touch between them.

Her hand lands on his, and she stares, understanding what she’s just done. The shock of the contact is a current that passes through both of them and snaps back on itself again, drawing them into its power.

He kisses her. Hard and fast and warm… Oh God, he’s so warm… ( Read more... )

fic: angel, iwry marathon, fic: buffy

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Comments 28

ital_gal November 23 2010, 17:32:46 UTC
wanted to write something more detail, but for the moment today is just to crazy...just wanted to say real quick rhow much I absolutely adored this fic, and how much i've love love love this fic. how I've missed them...


bite_or_avoid November 30 2010, 05:30:27 UTC
Thanks so much!


dabhug November 23 2010, 18:19:54 UTC
I have missed your fic! Especially your Buffy/Angel fic.

I love this piece. IWRY is my favorite episode of Buffy and Angel and this piece echoes what I love about it so perfectly. Hauntingly beautiful. With what passes for a happy ending for these two.

Nice work.


bite_or_avoid November 30 2010, 05:39:15 UTC
Thank you, sweetie! I miss writing, and writing B/A especially. I had promised myself to finish Losing My Religion before getting back to From The Ashes, but that plan may go out the window. Writing this has totally reawakened my B/A mojo :D

I'm really glad you enjoyed this piece!


leni_ba November 23 2010, 22:03:16 UTC
I've only read the first two part, and I have the feeling I'll both be laughing and needing tissues when I read at home. Also, totally cheated and skipped to the end - yep, I'm gonna love this baby!


bite_or_avoid November 30 2010, 05:41:17 UTC
You big cheater ;) I hope you got around to reading the rest, because skipping that whole middle part kind of ruins the effect, lol. Thank you for the comment, hon :D


a2zmom November 24 2010, 00:56:48 UTC
I love this!

I love how Buffy sees the life they might have had, but by the end realizes that what they have now is better. And I could see Angel feeling that being human means he's useless to the world.

Love your Buffy speak! You need to write more.


bite_or_avoid November 30 2010, 05:45:59 UTC
HAI! So glad you to see you back, and I hope you're doing well :)

Thank you so much for the kind words, hon. I've actually never been a big fan of the Shanshu for exactly this reason: I think Angel would feel too restless and useless as a human. Having Buffy dream of the life they could have had and tie it in to what was going on in canon seemed like the perfect way to have her choose what she wants in the future.

I was trying to finish Losing My Religion (B&B) before getting back to From The Ashes, but that plan may go out the window. Bones hasn't really been inspiring, to say the least, and writing this has totally reawakened my B/A mojo :D


a2zmom November 30 2010, 23:06:13 UTC
Hee. I think I'm the only person who really likes Bones this season.

Actually, I think Angel would be fine as a human. H could certainly learn to fight a bit differently and I think he'd be just as effective. But I could also see it going the other way. I knew of a few stories where he's human that ring very true to me where things work out.

go here and leave your address so I can send you a card! that's an order.


bite_or_avoid December 1 2010, 04:07:57 UTC
Yes m'am ;)


lizbet0 November 24 2010, 03:37:23 UTC
Lovely, lovely, lovely! I adore the darkness & light you've mixed together, and how you've show two possible roads for Buffy & Angel. (And I'm snickering at the image of Faith & Spike going back & forth! {evil grin}) I've never read Joss's comics that continued either series, so I'll just adopt this as canon, if you don't mind! {grin}


ital_gal November 24 2010, 09:01:49 UTC
well, in my head I've pretty much adopted From the Ashes as canon so ........


bite_or_avoid November 30 2010, 05:49:21 UTC
{blushes furiously} That means so much :D


ital_gal November 30 2010, 12:12:34 UTC
*cough*new chapter*cough*

Am struggling to finish watching Bones season 5 just so I can finally read Losing My Religion. Hey, I've generally liked your Bones fic better that the last two seasons as well. I don't really root for them as a couple anymore, but at least in your stories they make more sense than they do on the show...

am sensing a trend here....

hey, if only you'd give up that annoying healing of people and saving their lives thing you do and go back to feeding my addiction to your fanfic....... (smirk)


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