(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 06:26

Regular Stuff

What is your name? nicole or nikki

How old are you? 17

What color are your eyes? hazel but i like it when there blue with the really light blue color around the darker one lol...

Hair? a dark red but with dark brown roots..i neeed to die it again lol...

Skin? ummm...im a tan cracker lol...

What are you wearing? my froggy boxers and a body art emporuim t-shirt...

Are you wearing socks? nope...damnit thats probly why my toes r cold lol...im slow...

How old are you? umm..didnt u just ask that...im 15 billion years old...lol

What is your fave color? baby blue, purple...

Fave animal? monkeys...dogs...cats...

Website? umm...hell i dunno all of them mostly sucks...expecially wyht.com lol...j/k

Place? ummm anywhere besides my house...

Person? ummm...my baby davidhes my bf and jessicers my sista...lol luv ya girly...

Number? 15 million

Food? buffalo chicken strips...

Drink? root beer...lol its great...

In what state do you live? lil gay redneck state kentucky...

On what do you sleep? ummm...my dogs...lol no really my dogs..lol

Shoe size? 6

Favorite song? ummm...tyra country boyz...umm...lovers and friends...

Favorite artist? hell practicaly everyone

Smell? my body spray, vanilla

Teacher? umm...i dont have n e right now but i loved my old geometry teacher he was cool

Which would you rather?

barefoot/shoes? barefoot shoes get on my nerves

coke/pepsi? coke pespi taste like shit...

Saturday/Sunday? saturday...sundas are boreing

weekday/weekend? weekend...cuz i get to see my girly jessicerz...

die trying/never try and live? die trying...

live without love/love with out life? love with out life...

day/night? night...

left/right? right...left...hell i dunno...

up/down? up down arent they mostly the same lol...

silk/satin? silk...

heaven/hell? hell...lol i dunno...both...

laugh/snicker? laugh...

pencil/pen? pen..there more beautifuler...lol

binder/looseleaf? looseleaf easier to carry around yeah what she said...lol

desktop computer/laptop? laptop there more easyier to carry lol...

smoke/drink? neither

flu/chicken pox? flu...

pizza/hamburger? both i like me both...

hamburger/cheeseburger? cheesburger...

diet/regular? regular...diets nasty...

in/out? both...hehe ok yeah my mind is in the gutter...lol

boy/girl? both...

mother/father? father...

baby/teenager? i like babys cuz there adorable

peanuts/almonds? almonds

Okay enough of that!!! Now the love section!!!

Do you have a boyfriend/steady/husband? i have a bf right now and i love him to death...

What is his name? david

Age? 16

Eye color? brown

Fave thing about him? hes sweet...cute...nice body...and fun to be around...

What would you change about him? how hes shy...

Do you truly love him? not sure but i think i might...

How much? like 15 million red m&m's

SHOW ME HOW MUCH!!! this much ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Have you held hands? yup

Kissed? yup

Any farther than that? yes

Far enough? yes

Or did you go too far? yeah way too far...

Do you want more? yes em sure do...

What was it like? totaly freakin awsome...

Is he hot? yes very

What is the nicest thing he has ever done for you? ummm...not sure but im surte theres something hes done

First date location? mcdonalds lol

Do you see a future with him? sort of

How long have you been together? a week lol

Have you ever broken up? nope

What color is mold? umm..eww lol a doody green lol

Truly, do you enjoy sports? yup yup...

What is your 3rd favorite sport? volleyball...

Do you like anchovies? HELL NO!!!!!!!!!

That gives me a new idea!!!!

love? yes

premarital sex? yes

abortion? no

gay rights? yes

lesbianism? yes em...but im bi i like guys to lol...best of both worlds...

George Bush? no

John Kerry? umm...

War on Terrorism? no

Cheerleading? no i hate cheerleading and cheerleaders

Football? yes very much so...

NASCAR? no and i dont see how people really like that all it is ios cars goiugn in circles really fast...but i do like when they crash thats cool lol...

Dale Earnhart? neh

Christianity? hmmm

Athiesm? hmmm

Removing under God from the pledge? no

surgery? if is needed...

blood transfusions? yeah

Persian Gulf War? nope...

Holocaust? "in the past but no it shouldnt of happend damn whores" i agree...

Death Penalty? if they deserve it

cremation? yes...
What ever else I thought of

How do you like your eggs? scrambled with cheese lol...

How do you want to be buried? (cremated, urn, casket, etc.) umm im not really sure yet im younge

Best vacation ever? not sure havnt really been on any...

Favorite age? 14not sure...
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