Oct 06, 2004 17:01
Ok, to start off, if u havn't heard that song u SUCK!!! and i no longer want to speak to you until you have heard that song. it kicks the biggest, harriest, pimpliest, moleist, sweatiest, blueist mexican monkey balls that can ever exist! MWAHAHAHA...oki'm done.
Now i shall talk about.....my.......friday night. Evey one say OOO. ya, cuz i'm such an exciting person. i went to the movies with My b/f, val and her b/f (andre). we were in a boring ass movie...about tennis...dont ask...anyhwo. I was laying on Rodrigo (my bf) and we were bored so we were screaming at the screen and such.and u no how guys pants go up so it looks like they have a boner. ya well i poked it...and and the movie was all quiet and Rodrigo pretty much screams "YOU CANT PLAY WITH PENIS HERE!!" and i started cracking up and i said "YES I CAN BABE!!!" By this time val is like wtf...and i dont even wanna know what Andre was thinking. and then like 5 seconds later my elbow got stuck in the thingy between the seats, and i was like "ITS STUcK" and rodrigo was trying to help me get it out and he was like "BABE I CANT GET IT OUTITS STUCK" so imagine what these people are thinking.....they hear "you cant play with my penis here...yes i can....its stuck....i cant get it out" allrighty, i think thats a good enough little visual for u guys to be painting in ur head....yes yes.....i shall leav u now, because i dont feel like typing anymore.......GOOD DAY.........................................................................................................................................I SAID GOOD DAY!