Aug 17, 2004 21:47
School is actually fun. i have 2 ap classes, and im gonna graduate early. YAY ME! Aly, i love ju man. our plan will work *evil laugh* people have the funniest reactions! "can i join?!" mwaahaha. and the dude...the way he looked at us. haha. i love it. im the only sophomore in one of my ap classes! it's pretty funny. cuz they all think im 17! hmmm....Achy, i missed u!!! who else...other people. zack, u shouldnt have cut ur hair! and it IS a freakin mullet now. i don't care what u say. adrian, u got taller!! and ur voice is freakin DEEP! u scared the crap outta me. lol. well....i'm out, i have western civ. h.w. already. WEEEE. not. much love to my homies in the south side! PEACE! lol. later dudes