Nov 13, 2008 21:32
So now I'm into this game for xbox called "Lost Odyssey" Its basically Final Fantasy, it even has the same composer (I absolutely love the music in this game) It's a really great game and I'd def recommend it to anyone with an xbox.
So basically its about the story of a man named Kaim. What is unique about Kaim is the fact that he is immortal, and this particular story takes place after 1,000 years of his existence. Apparently along the way he has forgotten his memories and they slowly start to come back to him. The memories that he does recall are all terribly sad, but are interesting. For him, his 1000 year existence is filled with loneliness and tragedy, which losely brings me to my point for making this post.
Lately I can't stand being alone. Like I don't even want to spend 10 minutes by myself in my room. If I could I would just go out all night and just do whatever. It's like I just really want the company or something. I don't know whats wrong with me.