Is it bad that I have a HUGE crush on drake bell?
He's just so.freaking.hott.and.talented.
BUTTTT i have an even bigger crush on sean :)
We went out again last night after i got off work,
and we saw Aragon...or however it's spelled.
It was....really really awful.
We kept cracking up because it's so stupid.
Buuutt i was with him so i was happy.
It was so cute cuz i was really cold,
and he was like do you want me to hold you?
and i was like kay!
but then my neck started to hurt,
so we just held hands....
and no kiss BUT im glad because we're taking it slow
and that's really good.
sooo yeah i can't wait to see him and brie and chastity and my family
after i get back from Mississippi!!!
Merry Christmas(eve) everybody!