Dec 09, 2004 00:24
we say the randomest shit:
Quotes of the night:
"I've always had accordion fantasies"
"I told her not to spider me- it's a new verb I made it up."
"I call her my little spyderpyre"
"Spiders don't normally lunge, but this one lunged at me. I think it knew my secret plan of killing it with shampoo."
"You mean all dogs don't bark as much as mine do?"
"Who the fuck shot him?"
"I don't know he was in the city."
"The cities not THAT dangerous....unless you live where Jake lives."
"For once your guitar is louder than your vocals! Mark this date and time down."
"I don't like my delay....ah, fuck it! It will do for now."
"Yes, I'm too lazy to fix it!"
"I got kicked out of a crack house!"
"You remember that Japanese band Electric Eel Shock?"
"Well yeah they are from Japan, they are Japanese aren't they"
"He had a Japanese fro"
"Wait, a Japanese fro? How can a Japanese have a fro?"
"Well technically I think you have to be african american to have an official afro- so we'll just say he was japanese with puffy hair."
"I didn't think japanese had puffy hair"
"Yeah, they do..."
"They made a song all out of all the cities in America they've been to."
"All they do is just name the cities. The greatest part is when they say 'Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo' but they say it in their Japanese way"
"So are we going to practice anymore or just keep listening to the Electric Eel song over and over again."
"No, listen we are doing a Frank Sanatra cover. Only it will be gothic, although we don't have to make it gothic b/c it already has gothic tendencies."
"Since when was Frank gothic?"
"Oh, he was."