More controversy over "bikini baristas." Is it so hard to just... not buy coffee there?
What do these people do at the beach? Walk around distributing black rectangles to cover up with, to protect their innocent little ones?
God forbid you just let the kids see the world as it is, explaining things to them along the way, instead of making a big fuss over nothing.
And yes, if I had small children, I would drive right up to a bikini espresso and order 'em their hot chocolates. If they stare, I'll tell them, "Those are boobs, kids. Every woman has them." Eventually it just wouldn't be a big deal, which is better than covering their eyes until they start exploring on their own. I'd rather be the one to bring up such questions about the human body and what society deems "appropriate." Which is very little.
If the fruit isn't forbidden, it won't be so tempting. If the fear is of children seeing "bikini baristas" acting like floozies (yes, I said FLOOZIES) and getting the wrong impression of what women are supposed to be like, TALK TO THEM. Is communication so hard? It's amazing how much children trust their parents. I would've listened to my folks over anything else.
I'll even throw in a little story. When I was little, probably 4 or 5, my mom and I were sitting on my parents' bed talking. My dad came out of the shower butt naked, unaware that I was in the room. I saw eeeeeverything. And guess what? I wasn't the least bit traumatized! Who knew???
Same thing with violence and sex in movies/TV. I watched whatever I bloody well pleased, usually with my dad. Sure I got freaked out at times (did anyone else watch The Excorsist way too early in life? Hahah!) but again, I was not, and still am not, traumatized in any way.
Is it so hard for society to realize that kids are not mindless zombies who will interpret the worst possible meaning out of what they observe?
Mmkay. I'm done beating the dead horse. *Tosses the stick aside and walks away to do homework*