(See mood)

Aug 26, 2002 15:49

Well, here I am...just over 3 hours til the big event...and I am nervous as can be. I mean, I have never been this nervous in my life! Of course, I have never entered into a commitment of this magnitude either. So now, today, my life changes forever.
It was an easier task than I expected to find a dress. Shaun had his slacks in less than 5 minutes, and I was surprised that I only ended up spending a little over an hour looking for a dress that I liked. So now...in 3 hours, I will be wearing that dress and getting ready to change my life forever.
GUYS:: I AM NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!! My tummy is rolling and pinching up and I just don't want to throw up! I want to have a calm tummy and not be nervous about anything I'm doing.
So for those of you that don't know or haven't guessed by now, I am getting married tonight. Fast? Yes...but it's right.
My name will no longer be Hannah Lynne Swedberg...I have to relearn typing my name, when it comes to my last name anyway. Hannah Lynne Santa Cruz...That sounds nice :)
I am feeling a little more relaxed now...NEED MORE SPEARMINT TEA TO RELAX ME FURTHER!!!
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