Dear Author Rarepairfest 2014

Jun 26, 2014 15:53

Dear Author,

As always thank you for writing for me, it's so nice to know that at least one other person enjoys my rare and sometimes odd pairs. Some of the basics in this letter will be pulled from previous letters. I love to talk about my pairings so I do go on but remember optional details are always optional. I'll be pretty damned happy just to have fic, trust me. So let's get into it shall we?

Things I like in fanfic (general)
I love to know why, they do it. I live to peep inside the minds of my favorite characters, to dig deep into their fractured psyches. It's the why that makes it sexy. I will never turn down sex or sensuality in a story. I love dirty talk so if you can do it, yes please. I also love power dynamics sexual or otherwise so feel free to explore. My reading taste run to the mature aka explicit, dirty, wrong, but I can fall in love with a brilliant character study as well.
I like the edge of sanity, pleasure, madness, danger, pain. If most people would think you've gone too far with the dark, dirty, violence of something, I'll probably think you've got it just right. If you've ever wanted to unleash your deepest, darkest versions of these characters, go for it. Trust me when I say there is very little danger of offending me. Bret Easton Ellis is my favorite writer and I have requested The Following fic. I think that tells you how far you can go right there. :) Now having said all that if this isn't who you are as a writer, that's okay. Be you and give your vision of these beautiful broken people to me.

Things I don't like (general)
No Mpreg, unless it's Alien Nation or Enemy Mine, then it doesn't work for me. Character bashing, just because you can. Nothing wrong with AU's but for me the world the characters exist in is an essential part of them, so no AU's please. Slight canon divergence is fine. I'm not particularly into future fics either. No woobies, characters can be vulnerable and strong. Watersports are on my no list. Non-con/rape is pretty much a no for me, but I am fine with dubious consent and grey area scenarios where they fit the context.
Okay the general business is done now onto the fun stuff. Pairings and fandom are listed in no particular order. I will be happy with ANY of these.

The Following
This show, it's not for everybody but I enjoy the hell out of it. Yes there were things that they didn't do well, but they succeeded at creating a show that raised some interesting questions about sexuality and attraction and was sexy at the same time. This show found the sex in violence, and the violence in sex. It ticked all the right boxes for me. Feel free to be as dark and violent as you like. I feel like the second season upped the ante on crazy and I could NOT have been happier. Feel free to go to dark places with this fandom. I mean why not? Even the good guys are nuts. I love the layers of madness and the way in which the characters normalize themselves. Whatever mad little plot bunnies you have for this show go for it. As far as kinks in this fandom D/s, knife-play, blood-play, sadism, incest are fine since we see those on the show anyway. LOL

Paul Torres/Emma Hill- Everything about the two of them together gets me. It's all about the thrill of the kill with these two. I don't think Paul and Emma could ever like each other just hate each other less, it's never not a battle. For both of them sex is a weapon. What would have happened if Jacob hadn't come in? Or after he does?
Prompt:I will break you with my desire

Joe Carroll/Mandy Lang- They both give each other exactly what they need. Joe makes her feel safe, and Mandy makes him feel useful and confident. She loved Joe to her last breath and he loved her as much as Joe is capable of loving which . . . well it is Joe. Mandy isn't so naive, given where she grows up she knows what men want, and well Joe isn't that good, not even close. Stories about their time on the road before they met Lily or their time before they hit the road. Daddy!kink would be bonus points, but if it's not your thing no worries.
Prompt: Show me all the things that I shouldn't know.

Lily Gray/Luke Gray/Mark Gray- Lily and her boys clearly have a special bond. She nurtured their madness and while she loves them both she clearly has a favorite. How do the boys feel about that? Is Mark jealous? Is Luke really her favorite twin? This threesome is endlessly fascinating. I like the idea of the boys working together to try to surprise or impress their mother or maybe trying to one up each other. I wouldn't mind a snapshot of Gray family dinners or other mundane family events done the Gray way.
Prompt: All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair.

Joe Carroll/Charlie Mead- Charlie's death scene, that is all. I think that scene sums everything about these two. Anything exploring the power dynamic between those two in bed or out, would make me smile. If you’re comfortable with kink: D/s, Joe testing Charlie’s limits, denial, strict protocol, blood-play, sadism, knife-play, discipline.
Prompt: Strike me down. Give me everything you've got. Strike me down. Take it any way you want.

Game of Thrones
TV show canon only I am way behind in the books, so nothing from books, thanks. I enjoy the tangled webs that the various citizens of Westeros weave and the way they are often caught by their own well-laid plans. I adore their world, the plots, the secrets, the game. Any mentions of plotting for gain or just for fun or against other characters is more than welcome manipulation and deception are encouraged, but real love and emotion are also allowed.

Loras Tyrell/Margaery Tyrell- Though she may be impatient with her brother and his feelings at times. I believe that the Tyrell siblings truly do care for each other, and I don't think there is anything they wouldn't do for one another. I also don't think they keep any secrets. Maybe when they spend time together they take a break from plotting to just be themselves and not have to perform if only for a few moments. Of course plots make excellent pillow talk. UST, incest, hurt/comfort, teasing, jealousy,
Prompt: You know I love him./Well I guess you'll have to stop.

Tommen Baratheon/Margaery Tyrell- I'd like to see the development of their relationship, and more of their clandestine meetings. What do they talk about? What do they do? What does Tommen think about his bride to be. How does Margaery feel about her newest king? Is she conflicted?
Prompt: To tempt and to be tempted are things very nearly allied

Petyr Baelish/Sansa Stark- I think this is a pairing that could could be endlessly fascinating. Petyr may have a weakness for Sansa and he could react to this in a number of ways. Sansa is just beginning to understand her potential power, but she is also a girl with nothing to lose. This will always be a gray area pairing for me and I like them that way. So many ways that power could shift momentarily and numerous conflicting emotions at play.
Prompt: I know what you want.

Oberyn Martell/Loras Tyrell-They have so much in common, and not just the obvious. Maybe they have a conversation, about love, loss, and having to wait for revenge. Maybe they have amazing sex, maybe both. Who knows perhaps they've met before.
Prompt: I can resist everything but temptation.

I love this show, nothing like a crazy over the top drama to make me all kinds of happy. There is so much I like about this show and little that I don't. Emily is hard and not entirely likeable I get that. Nolan is devoted to her and I get that too. (My love for Nolan Ross cannot be overstated.) Jack is a dreamer and a romantic and he should never have gotten caught up in this machine. I dig the unbearable lightness of their being. Everything and nothing matters. I think there is a limit on the happiness they can have. No amount of revenge would ever be enough, yet it's already too much. None of them ever imagined it would be like this. When it's over they won't be at peace. So yes I pretty much think they're doomed and it looks good on them.
Fics that capture the doomed fucked up nature that is essential to any of these characters, and the ultimate futility of their machinations even if they're successful would rock my world.


Emily Thorne/Nolan Ross- I don't even know where to start. Emily is Batman and Nolan is Nightwing, never Robin. He follows her not blindly but with eyes wide open, not because he thinks she's right but because in the end he wants revenge too. Sex between them would be all about intimacy, power, leverage, control, the physical, the psychological. I feel it could be all those things and yet as cold as it is hot. If your so inclined D/s between these two would be lovely with Emily as the domme and Nolan as the sub. Her dominance can show that she cares and his submission shows his trust. Nolan is her equal and she knows it, what it means when he gives in to her. Alternately sex, born out of their rage and frustration with the world around them works too.
Prompt: I never tried to be yours to take care of/You never said you were mine to beware of

Jack Porter/Nolan Ross- There's been a certain tension between them from day one, but it's more than that they care for each other. They've come to a dangerous place. At this point there is no going back for Jack, he's a different man now. Nolan has tried to protect Jack, tried to comfort him. They are friends. Maybe they could be more. Maybe sex is just comfort. Maybe it's just something they do, maybe they're both just pissed at Emily, maybe they love each other.
Prompt: I got nobody on my side, and surely that ain't right

Amanda Clarke/Emily Thorne- Would love something pre-series about these two. Clearly that relationship went through plenty of changes but I think the idea of two girls with nothing finding something in each other has a certain sweetness, well as sweet as you can get with these two :). I wouldn't mind reading something set during the show either.
Prompt: I don't like ties. I like to win . . .by big margins.

Amanda Clarke/Nolan Ross- Set during season 1 maybe? Just a little harmless fun between the two of them. I'm sure there was some time to kill. Definitely a one time thing or maybe not.
Prompt: I don't know you. You don't know me. Thanks for playing, and we're done.

The Vampire Diaries
So with the exception of this past season (things got a bit convoluted), I really like this show. It's so much fun and usually better than people give it credit for. It doesn't hurt that everyone is beautiful in Mystic Falls. I think you could pair any two or more characters from this show and make it work. It's all about what lies beneath the surface, the secrets and longings and surprises. I like every single character on this show, even Katherine, especially Katherine. Bonus points for blood-play, kink and going full on vamp during sex. I'm current with the show so no worries about spoilers. You can feel free to ignore anything you want from the most recent season, because *shudders*

Jeremy/Tyler- So much tension between these two from day one, how they’ve managed not to hook up is beyond me. They react so strongly to each other, especially when hurt or angry. I would love to see something where they totally unleash both physically and emotionally. I'm happy to read scenarios set when they are both still human, or after Tyler has become a hybrid and Jeremy has become a hunter(I don’t know if back from the dead Jeremy would still be a hunter). Things I like for this pair rough sex, sadism, masochism, angst, first time, bittersweet, working out their issues through sex, hurt/comfort.
Prompt: This is the only time I really feel alive.

Elena/Jeremy- Don't look at me with your judgey eyes. :) While on the surface their relationship seems great. I think a closer look would reveal that things aren't quite right at casa Gilbert. No family is as perfect as everyone in Mystic Falls thinks the Gilberts were. Show me that Elena and Jeremy were never okay. Alternately something dealing with the Jeremy is a hunter, Elena is a vampire problem if you’re interested in that. Basically anything that explores the problems of their relationship
Prompt: This love my only torture. This love my only crime.

Jeremy/Katherine- Explore all the dirty, wrong implications of this pairing. Katherine can be vamp or human your choice. There is so much about twisted family connections, and repressed desire to be mined here. There can't be any secrets between these two or can there?
Prompt: You’ll find the shame is like the pain, you only feel it once.

Caroline/Stefan- Teacher and student, friends, could they be lovers? I say yes, these two have undeniable chemistry. Stefan is not a good boy and we all know what Caroline used to be like. Vanity and insecurity can make a girl do crazy things. Maybe there is just something between a vamp and the one who taught her how to live. Maybe they've always wanted each other a little bit. Maybe they just don’t want to think, maybe they are tired of always doing the right thing. Clearly they are devoted to one another. Dark and dirty or bittersweet and angsty, they can regret it or flaunt it just make them do it. :)
Prompt: Fully fed, yet still I hunger.

Matt Donovan/Jeremy Gilbert: So much baggage with these two. They've both been through a lot and their past relationships, don't even get me started. I love all the ladies they have dated but these two have the worst luck in love. Maybe they'll have better luck with each other. Friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, a random drunken/drug induced one-night stand, so many possibilities with these two.
Prompt: I can't change the way you feel. But I can put my arms around you. That's part of the deal.

Marvel Cinematic Universe
So Captain America Winter Soldier was so much fun and just a really well made action flick, and part of that is how human the characters are, I love them all, I have pretty much no knowledge of the comics. (I'm a DC gal) so all I ask is that you stick to the movie canon as that is how I know these characters.

Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson: We all saw that “hey” these two had instant attraction, and while I don't picture Natasha as a long-term relationship kind of girl she's not one to pass up a little fun. I think Sam would get that and keep his expectations in line. Alternately if you don't want to write something sexy. I would be happy with Sam/Nat friend fic where she is trying to help him hook-up with Steve or he is trying to help her land Agent Carter.
Prompt: Hey pretty. Do wanna take a ride with me . . .

Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson: Okay I generally see Nat and Steve as friends, but I think there is still an attraction there. Maybe Steve had a threesome on his bucket list, maybe Steve really likes threesomes. Perhaps they're all drunk and tired and frustrated with looking for Bucky. I think it would be awesome if Nat were in charge since we both know Sam and Steve are good at taking orders, but however you want to make this happen is up to you.
Prompt: He takes off her dress now/Let me go/Cause I just can't look it's killing me/And taking control

Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson: “On your left” was totally a line. These two have ridiculous chemistry, they've become fast friends and could be more. They're going to be traveling together at some point they'll have to share a room/bed. How on Earth does one find the time for self love? Friends to lovers, angst, fluff, UST, accidental arousal. I'm open to almost anything except my already mentioned no-no's with these guys.
Prompt: Link is NSFW Click Me

fic, rarepair fest, fests

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