
Dec 28, 2005 09:04


You are right not to expect a reply to this shit, but I'm still quite angry so I'm going to reply anyway. This letter actually pissed me off even more, because I have told you I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING TALK TO YOU, DON'T TALK TO ME. Also, don't expect me to give the courtesy of sugar coating anything. It may not seem like I've done much of that in the past, but after reading this, you'll understand how "padded" a lot of the things I've said in the past actually have been.

First things first, I'm sure I'm not the only person who's never intentionally hurt you (that's about to change though because I'm so fucking tired of your shit, I'm going to try to hurt you by responding to this inconsiderate letter). So you're telling me that your parents have done things to you to INTENTIONALLY (not to be mistaken with NON-INTENTIONALLY) emotionally upset you? You're saying the same thing about Amanda D'Assarro??? Sure I know that she's done shit to upset you, but I highly doubt that it was EVER intentional. That's simply a load of horse shit. Maybe you're saying it to try to make me feel better about how you purposefully sabotaged a "fair" relationship, or maybe you honestly believe that. Either way, it's pretty fucking immature and narrow-sighted to say that everyone in your life has intentionally hurt you. GROW UP!!!!! Either that, or go into solitude as a hermit. It's your choice. Aside from that, why would anyone want to do something nice for one such as yourself who thrives off of taking and taking and taking, and NEVER giving anything back without a big fuss or fight? If you think people have tried to piss you off, then you are probably right, what reason would they have not to when you act like such a shit? If you want that to change, you need to change first.

Secondly, what the fuck has been so different these past few weeks? The whole not knowing if you're getting into UCF or not? Maybe the moving thing? I'm really questioning... WHAT STRESS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Nothing seems that much different, and if this stress (that I don’t see) is really effecting you so much, DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF. From what I'm understanding, everything you do that you are saying causes you stress is YOUR FAULT. You waited that long to get a response from UCF because you didn't take your SAT. I told you that, and I remember telling you like a year ago that you should just take the fucking thing because it's important. Now you see how that came to bite you in the ass. The moving thing is your choice... because you're deciding to continue to live with Amanda, and have her lead you around and make decisions for you. Maybe it's a good idea to have Amanda make all of your decisions, since you do a PRETTY SHITTY JOB OF MAKING DECISIONS ON YOUR OWN. Also, I think Amanda is smart, she can probably handle that job, even though it’s pretty unfair of you to give her the responsibility of making all of your living decisions. It's pretty obvious to me that you started allowing her to make a lot of your decisions a few months after you moved in. Your whole breathing problem... yea well if you really believe it is the hampsters, then why didn't you bring them to my house when you still had a chance? Why didn’t you tell the doctor that the treatment wasn’t working? Why bitch about something when you do nothing to correct the problem. It's all due to your own lack of thought, or any concern for looking at what might happen in the future. OPEN YOUR EYES! Don’t come to me talking about stress, because you don’t even know what stress is.

As far as you saying that you wish this would not have ended up as poorly as it did... WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN? You break plans to exchange gifts so that you can go to a party of someone that I WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO MEET THAT YOU KNEW FOR 3 WEEKS!!! What the hell would any REASONABLE person think about that (this question is rhetorical because I know that a non-reasonable person such as yourself would not know how to answer this)? A reasonable person would assume that whomever they are in a relationship has found someone else. I still think this and although there’s no “evidence” I have my reasons to believe what I do. You are a self serving cunt, and I hope you get burned 3 times for every time you've ever burned me in the past.

As far as you starting therapy, I don't believe you. I think you’re a fucking liar, and you don't even realize all of the bullshit that you claim. You're too lazy to get off your ass and do anything for yourself unless it's the last minute. How long did it take you to get your registration done on your car? How long did it take you to realize the things you've said are going to turn someone that loved you once into someone that hates you with all the hatred and contempt in the world? Maybe you haven't realized that yet, Oops, I guess I shouldn't have spoken so soon. Before I met you, I never thought I'd be capable of "loving" another human being, because my last BITCH of an ex pulled the EXACT same shit you are doing to me now. She started being more attached to her friends than ever before, going places without me on a regular basis, hanging out with a new crowd of people that I couldn't meet, or was never asked to. Then 1 month later, she's dating some new guy. With that last relationship the dagger wasn't twisted a full 3 rotations (*years for incompetent fucks that can't understand metaphor*) like you're doing. We only dated for a year. Also, that bitch didn't break up with me on CHRISTMAS. Fuck you!

One day years from now, I'm going to look you up on the internet or something like that. Then I'll give you a call and sound really nice on the phone, just to get information that I want out of you. I just want to be sure I'm correct in my assumption that you'll do nothing with your life, get deeper into alcoholism, be unhappily married (because you want to rush relationships into going somewhere when there's no where to go), and have been taking non-effective perscrption medication because you can't even articulate to your therapist what problems you have.

I'm sure your future will be fun (like a famous car crash involving Dale Earnheart). Thanks again for releasing me from possibly making the biggest mistake of my life in hanging out with you for another year.

Fuck off and don’t talk to me again,

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