Jun 28, 2005 16:33
A little bit of an update consisting of rants, and good news.
1st of all: The audacity my job has to criticize me for my piercings is beyond me. I am 1 of 4 people (young people ((under 25)) who have facial piercings. Why am I the only one who gets harassed about wearing them? I'd love to know! As soon as I step two feet into work reporting for duty I get a look, a point to my nose ring, and then these 5 words, "Can you please tuck your shit in" (which is ALWAYS tucked in when they tell me to). It's like clockwork. At first I thought they were prejudice against certain perceings but nose rings are so much hotter than labrets. When I had my labret I looked like a mexican bulldyke, but if thats what they want...
So I received a check for $1,100. Thanks Allstate Insurance and a special thanks to you Samantha McDaniel! ;-D
I had the best sex a person could have last night.
I'm going with Ian, and his parents on a day cruise this Friday to gamble. Sounds like fun besides the fact that I'll be gambling with $20.
And finally, I love my roommate and I am so happy for her. yay