holy. crap.

Mar 18, 2006 12:59


last night was insane. not necessarily in a good way. in the end we all looked back and laughed, but it was scary none the less.

joe, gu, and i drove down to marshfield to get chris. the original plan (as joe and i thought) was we were gonna pick him up and bring him to boston so we could go chill at nate's apartment, but that ended up not making a whole lot of sense so chris said he would bring us to a party that he was invited to near marshfield. i think we were in pembroke? anyway... what he neglected to tell us was there was previous drama started between him and a few of the girls at the party. joe gu and i were all completely oblivious to this, but we could tell something weird was going on, but we just chilled, drank some 40s, and played some beirut. i actually WON a game, by the way!! my second game playing EVER. weeee
so anyway, we hang out there for a few hours or so, and over the course of the night chris had filled us in on what the deal was and why things were so weird, so at least we understood the situation. then i go to sit down on the couch i had been sitting on and i notice that the stupid girls who were involved in the drama had spilled a beer on my purse and then tried to wipe it up with chris' sweatshirt. NOT. COOL. i didn't really care about the purse too much, other than the fact that i heard them say "Oh shit, we just spilled this on her purse, she's gonna kill us" and then without saying anything to me they just got up and went upstairs. it was just annoying. but really, i didn't care. shit spills at parties, it was no big deal.
so now joe and i are sitting on the couch, chris is playing beer pong, and Gu's just chillin, and the group of girls come back downstairs. when they got in the room i said something to joe about my purse, but not loud enough for them to hear, and i was kidding anyway. and then i went on to just be an idiot and joke around with joe and i was saying shit like "YO MAN! I FUCKIN' DRINK 40's! IM FUCKING HAAAAAHD CORE. YOU CAN S MY D" and APPARENTLY the girls thought i was talking to them, so one of them turns to me and starts yelling "HEY! I DIDN'T SPILL SHIT ON YOUR PURSE!!"
which was a lie anyway, but ok.
and i retaliate with... "WOAH... ok, i didn't say anything about that"
"Yea, well incase you didn't notice, i fuckin' got it on me too!" ~stupid girl
"Umm.. ok. It's not a big deal. Just chill out"
then the beast of a girl (she was REAL tall) just kept staring at me, so i look back at her and she says another stupid bitchy comment about it and then i say
"Ok, listen, i'm not afraid of the three of you, so why don't you just calm down and chill out"
a twin of the first stupid girl says "YEA! WELL YOU FUCKIN SHOULD BE (afraid)!!!"
"Well... i'm not, so just drop it" ~ me
so then joe and i just continue to sit, and not look at them, and joe says to GU "hey. get chris. tell him we're leaving NOW"

now, this is one thing i did not know, before i finish the story. apparently these girls, all of them, are FUCKING CRAZY. and i'm being serious. one of them has a problem with her back, so she takes muscle relaxers, and she gives them to all of her friends (these girls) when they drink so they get FUCKED UP. so they're crazy on pills and alcohol, and possible coke because i know people at the party had been doing it... but as i said, we were unaware of this information...

so anyway. we get up to leave, and we're walking up the stair which they were standng next to, and the original bitchy girl, or her twin, i'm not sure, yells to me "YEA YOU STUPID WHORE! WHY DONT YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!" and they all start laughing
now, i TRIED to be the bigger person. but i have a little more pride than that. so i'm come back with...
and then i turn around and keep heading towards the door with joe behind me. as i get to the front door, i hear someone charging up the stairs, and i hear a struggle, but i dont turn around til i get outside because joe told me to keep walking. i get outside, a good distance away from the house, and i turn around to see joe holding this girl back, with all her friends behind her, and she's yelling "LET ME AT HER! STUPID BITCH" and joe's just holding her back saying "it's just words. just let it go"
then, the second she realizes he's not gonna let her get to me, she stops struggling and punches joe in the FACE!
now, i freaked out, naturally, but i wasn't about to run back into a house full of CRAZY girls, who want to kill me, so joe just came outside and we started walking to the car with gu behind us.
apparently the girl, then after, attacked chris and starting punching him HARD in the head, but he didn't say anything or fight back, because what was he gonna do?
then we called him and were like WHY ARENT YOU AT THE CAR RIGHT NOW?! and he said he couldn't leave, and we got mad so we left, and then we ended up coming back and picking him up, and as we get to the parking lot he's kicking their car and throwing snow at it and stuff. then he gets in the car, and we go to leave, and as we're doing so those girls are walking to their car to drive him COMPLETELY SHIT FACED. i was driving, because i was sober at this point. no worries.
so joe and chris roll down their windows and start yelling a mix of EEEEEASY WHORES!! and YOU FUCKING SUCK! FUCK YOU!
it was funny and intense.
so then we drive to chris's house, because we were gonna go to this OTHER guys house, but by the time we got there, those girls were THERE! WHAT?! so we didn't go. because we didn't feel like dealing with it.
and then for the rest of the night we just talked about what happened, and clearly i'm still thinking about it now.
joe and i dropped gu off around 220 or so, and then we got home at 250.

it was a pretty intense st. patrick's day. i hope yours was safer and less violent than mine.

love, jen
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