I just found out I have astronomical cholesterol levels. You know your obese Uncle Tiny who's 6 feet tall and 400 pounds and eats nothing but McDonald's hamburgers? Yeah, my cholesterol is probably worse than his. My doctor said she had never seen it so high. Awesome
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Tell your doc if you use psyllium every day, and if you start taking an omega-3 supplement.
And I almost forgot: don't neglect calcium with vitamin D. Did they test for your blood level of D? A high level of D can help you fight the bad cholesterol, too.
We already eat a ton of beans, so there's that. I bought some salmon the other day but Jack doesn't like it so I might have to make that for my lunches or something instead of dinner.
Alcohol will be tough to give up - at the moment it's the only thing that gets rid of my anxiety (including the meds), but I will cut down.
I've been putting it on my hot cereals and salads for almost eight years now.
I sprinkle some over my cold cereal and chew carefully. Another advantage to this is that I eat more slowly.
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