To do list

Jul 06, 2009 08:29

Work out/shower
Breakfast - toast
Drop off donations at the Salvation Army
Take care of the recycling
Lunch - teriyaki chicken + steamed rice
Walk to the notary, notarize and mail Calpers refund request
Vacuum living room and stairs
Dinner - grilling burgers and making homemade fries
Pack for Annual Training
Call Readiness NCO regarding possible transfer to WA Guard or Inactive Reserve. gonna do this Friday

I've decided to move. The girls and I have discussed it and we believe that the best thing for our family is to get out of California. A woman I know from another website has a rental house in eastern Washington, she currently has a tenant but they will be out by the 1st of September and I won't be ready to move in until then. Gotta give 30 days notice, etc.

There was a blowout with the ex yesterday. Kid #1 called to see if she could go over, kid #2 was already there. Stepkid answered ex's phone (which is a no-no in my house, kids answer the house phone but my cell phone is mine alone, nobody answers it but me) and told kid #1 that she was leaving. Kid #1 asked if that means that she couldn't come over, stepkid hung up. I called back, it went directly to voicemail. I called kid #2's phone and asked her to put her dad on. She was about to when ex's gf snatched the phone out of her hand and started screaming obscenities at me to the effect that kid #1 could goddamned well come over and why the hell do I have to make such a fucking big deal out of everything thing, I'm such a fucking bitch. Note that my child was standing 2 feet from her and the only thing I had said to that point was "Let me talk to Brian please". I hung up on her while she was screaming and a few minutes later called back to tell kid #2 to grab her shit and be home within 15 minutes. They are no longer permitted to go over there. She is obviously unstable and I am concerned for the safety and emotional well being of my kids. I won't continue to subject them to that craziness. Oh, and it was 1pm and they had just gotten out of bed, the ex was still sleeping. He wasn't told about any of it. I immediately got on the phone and arranged for my kids to go up to Seattle with my parents for the my 2 week AT and called his mom to let her know that they would be gone instead of going to her place for the second week. She wanted to know why and then tried to defend the girlfriend. I told her that the behavior is not appropriate and I will not subject my children to it. I would like for them to continue to have a relationship with her, but no amount of cajoling is going to make me send them back to that apartment.

Within an hour I had had a long talk with the girls, they are not interested in spending much time with their dad any longer, so we may as well move. The reason we moved here in the first place was so that he could see them more often. The economy is in the tank and there are simply no jobs. I can't wait around until next year to get hired on either at DSS or the AGR. I'll be going to pick up the girls after the 1st and will visit the house in eastern WA at that time and will meet with the owner and discuss the details. It's very near to Washington State University in Pullman, so if I am unable to find a job I may just go back to school. It was funny, because we made the decision and had everything set up within a couple of hours. And if it were up to the girls we'd be driving north right now.

I looked into the schools there, because that is very important with my kids. The house is right next door to the elementary school, which is pk-8, and has a total of 40 students. Total. All 10 grades, 40 kids. Wow. So that will be awesome for both girls. The high school is in the next town over and has a very low ratio of students to teachers as well (although of course nowhere near as low as the elementary), and a great jazz band that begins at grade 5, which is very important to kid #2.

moving, to do list

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