
Oct 15, 2005 21:49

I am so tired. We spent the day at Skip's cleaning. He's an older man, he lives alone, and I could fit two of my house into his main house. There are 5 bedrooms that I went into today. I spent the majority of my time cleaning the master bathroom. Seriously, several hours just in one room. It's a ranch, out in the country. Lots of dirt gets stirred up by the wind, Skip likes to have windows open. For some reason his bathroom is white tile. I did not know that the tile was white until I added water and turned the top layer of dirt to mud. The bathtub is the size of a jacuzzi, and sunken into the floor. This makes for a badass tub, but it also makes it fucking impossible to clean. I also scrubbed the rock floor in the entryway on my hands and knees, got on an 8 foot ladder to get the cobwebs down from the vaulted ceilings, and cleaned huge picture windows. The kids had a blast annoying Deana and I, playing hide and seek on the property, and playing with the horses. I got most of the laundry done, we left the last load in the dryer and came home at 8, we were just wiped out. We'll be back at it in the morning to finish up, the bedrooms and the other bathrooms aren't going to be nearly as difficult as the master bath and the front rooms. If it's warmer tomorrow we might clean the pool and have a swim. That would rock.

And aside from being just bone tired and having muscles ache that I had forgotten existed, I have a new knot on my knee. And I remembered that if I reach across my body to the left with my right arm, cradle it with my left arm, and apply pressure, I can put my shoulder back into place without only a small amount of pain. Rum calls to me.
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