
Aug 06, 2005 21:31

I just had the strangest visit with my sister. Either she's becoming a decent person, or she's really fucking tired from the drive from Seattle. I'm betting on tired. We chatted about my job stuff, and house stuff, I made fun of her for breaking her toe a week after her broken ankle healed enough to walk in heels again, the kids played together for a while, and then we went outside to have a smoke on her porch. She asked me how things were going with Brian, and I talked about that for a while, and then out of the blue she says to me "How come you've got those lips and I don't? That's so not fair, mine are thin, and yours are totally full." I laughed, and said something about her getting braces and straight teeth, and we laughed for a bit. Then we started talking about something else and THEN she popped off with "You are just really pretty Heather, seriously, you're pretty." Dude, wtf did that come from? Today was laundry day, I'm wearing gray cotton Tigger capri pants, gray Pooh t-shirt, have my hair back in a ponytail, and have sweated off the small amount of makeup I wore today. Granted, I am looking way better now than I did the last time we lived near each other, mostly because I'm 40lbs heavier, but damn. It totally surprised me. Also, she and I have always looked a lot alike, I wish I had a picture of her to post so those of you who don't know her can see how similar we look, but she's always been the pretty one (still is), I'm kinda like the poor copy, a little shorter, a little paler, features not quite as well defined. I honestly don't think she has ever really complimented me before, I wasn't sure how to take it.

Anyway, we ended up having a nice visit, I got the stuff that I had forgotten at Mom's from her, and dropped off the Spiderman stuff that her son had left up there and we packed with our stuff before we knew that she was going up there. We also talked about her possibly moving up there, she talked to the district manager up there, who offered her the Redmond Town Center store or the Bellevue store, and they talked about the Lynnwood store, they just filled that position, but if the manager decides she doesn't want it Jen might take it. It's kind of a big deal for her, because her boyfriend of the last couple of years doesn't want to move because his son is here. We talked about that stuff too, she's having a hard time with the decision, but wants to be away from here, she has always been happier up there. She's much more of a big city person than I am. So yeah, the day was just kind of odd, we don't have heart to hearts all that often, I think the last time may have been close to 20 years ago. I'm glad to be home and about to put on PJs and crash out for the night.

sister, wierdness

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