C&C App - Carmen Sandiego

May 29, 2010 23:06

NAME: Zippy
AGE: 23
JOURNAL: sparklemagpie
IM: glassfishgirl or calamityzippy
E-MAIL: glassfishnet@hotmail.com or sparklemagpie@gmail.com
RETURNING: Three - Brenda Del Vecchio - shes_intense, M'stra M'orzz - martianmonster and Joseph Wilson - make_contact.

CHARACTER NAME: Carmen Isabella Sandiego
FANDOM: Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego (tv series)
CHRONOLOGY: End of Season 3, post Christmas Episode.
CLASS: Technically billing her as a Villian but she's characteristically more of an Anti-Hero.
ALTER EGO: Carmen Sandiego, keeper of odd-jobs and tons of secret identities to let her have said odd-jobs.

Carmen has firmly placed herself as the most prolific theif in the world. She spends apparently all of her time keeping the agents of ACME on their toes, having amassed insane wealth, technology and surely several excellent collections of priceless things over many long years as an uncatchable theif and treasure hunter. She was not always a wanted woman though.

As a toddler Carmen was orphaned and she was raised from an age before her earliest memories at the Golden Gate Girls School, an all-girls orphanage in San Francisco in the United States. Though she still has a locket with her mother's picture inside and knows at least where she is buried Carmen has no firm memory of her parents or her life before Golden Gate. There she had a content if lonely childhood, remaining a ward of the state until her early teenage years.

At this time Carmen's childhood intelligence had blossomed into genius and in the words of ACME's Cheif officer he 'gave her a home' as part of the agents of ACME. The organization frequently recruited teenagers to train them toward long term service as international spies and law enforcers (the organization being a sort of super-high tech international police) but Carmen was a star even among other teenagers chosen for their skills and smarts.

By the age of 17 she was ACME's most successful agent, having apprehended more criminals and solved more cases than anyone else in the organization, but having reached the top of the ranks Carmen grew bored and restless. A consumate overacheiver she had cleared the last bar that has been set up for her, and now turned to setting herself up for even greater challenges.

According to her former ACME partner, retiree Suhara, the only motivation he could imagine for Carmen's eventual defection and subsequent rise as the head of the V.I.L.E. criminal organization is that she just wasn't having a hard enough time with capturing anyone else. No one could outrun her now, she had mastered the art of headhunting and without a challenge she went, well, a little stir crazy.

Now a walking encyclopedia of knowledge regarding priceless and historically significant artifacts, the art of theivery and most important of all the art of how to catch a theif, Carmen commenced an illustrious career in sending ACME agents on wild goose chases and getting away with anything and everything. Always two steps ahead of the agents on her tail Carmen is confident enough in her skill to drop clues in her wake, taunting her persuers with coded information to actually help them in finding her, though each and every time she will slip through their fingers.

Despite signature and eye-catching clothes, a world-wide reputation as a crook, and ACME agents CONSTANTLY watching out for her, Carmen has only been captured twice in her career, and both times she escaped so effortlessly that the only conclusion is that she allowed herself to be brought in both times withotu ever intending to stay.

Over the years she has upgraded from artifacts to national treasures, often associating a sting of heists with a particular theme that is presumably just what she's into this week. She has stolen historical artifacts like the Orient Express and the shoes Judy Garland wore in the movie The Wizard of Oz, military tech like a Russian submarine, and top secret government plans which she used to BUILD HER OWN TIME MACHINE and go back in time to steal things like the uncracked Liberty Bell.

Carmen has few goals beyond continuing to have fun challenging both herself as well as Ivy and Zack, the brother and sister ACME agents currently on her case, though her history with their boss (being both a former agent and apparently also the Cheif's good friend) has from time to time complicated their interactions. Mostly she treats Ivy and Zack as potential challengers, often seeming to structure her heists in the interests of teaching them something new about how to come close to capturing her.

[Note: Sadly there is not a lot in terms of continuing story for Carmen within the plot of the show as the series I am working from for her canon, though the most complete history for her, is also very episodic, blatantly fourth wall breaking and scarce in availability.

Carmen is first and foremost a smooth operator. Rough growing years have tumbled all the harsh edges off of her and left a woman who slides with grace through most any situation. Carmen was a child prodigy and her intelligence has only grown with her. Being crafty and taunting others with clues is the most loved of her hobbies, and without her leaving tips behind the agents chasing her down would probably never find her at all. She speaks calmly, rarely loses her temper or composure, and relishes her victories with a quiet sort of smugness rather than any boasting. Though she often tells Ivy and Zack that they will never catch her, she does so in a confident matter of fact tone, not so much taunting as self-assured.

Carmen has previously used stolen government research to complete such complex and theoretical projects as building her own (working!) time machine, and she has demonstrated a broad knowledge of languages, computer systems, geography and history. She can also drive or pilot just about anything. Her skill across the board with machines and computers reveals a thorough education in engineering, science, chemistry and an unquestionable mechanical and logical aptitude, most of which was picked up durring her years as part of ACME. This is all balanced by a fearsome encyclopedic knowlege of world history and culture, not to mention a flare for the dramatic.

At this point in her career Carmen's foundations are well established. She has all that she really needs and now pulls off heists purely for fun, presumably already rich enough to sustain herself AND to pay for all the insane technology she has purchased, or developed and taylored to her needs. As the leader of the organization V.I.L.E. she has a fleet of henchmen and lesser fellow villians to cater to her whims, but when it comes down to the dirty work of pulling off a heist Carmen does not shy from the frontlines. One could term her as being a very involved boss, who values a hands on approach to guiding her underlings.

Carmen also has a much stronger moral foundation than most people expect of her. Though she steals things she takes the sort of prize items that are valuable but not essential. If she can help it she doesn't harm others in the process of her heists and she would never take something from someone who genuinely needed it. She has teamed up with ACME agents before in order to take down rival villians who operate with more greed and less class than herself.

Though single-minded about her goals at times Carmen is not embodied completely by her 'hobby'. She has safe houses around the world to retreat to and she will drop off the map for weeks at a time in the wake of some heists. Although fairly quiet about her history Carmen is a sentimental person who treasures the few things she has from her childhood and younger years, a trait that is perhaps the root of her eagerness to own lots and lots of significant things. For example, when the orphanage she grew up in was scheduled to be demolished she arrived with a helicopter, grabbed the building and airlifted it away to preserve it.

She bears no ill will toward the agents who persue her and in fact she welcomes their interference, understanding that they are only doing their jobs, the job she once did, in trying to bring her to justice. In fact she often treats them with a sort of fondness and tries to set up life lessons in her clues for them.

Engnimatic and charming Carmen always presents herself with an air of mystery, even when she appears to be on the losing end of a situation. How to keep her cool in most any situation and adapt to any change of plans is perhaps her greatest skill.

Carmen is canonically the slipperyest little fish in the pond when it comes to getting away with crimes AND getting away from the police. Time, luck, fate, and the very gods always seem to be on her side. Though she may very rarely get nabbed she will always find a way to escape, so smoothly in fact that her few arrests were probably part of her plans all along. She is the master of her art, and reality itself seems to align to assist her in all that she does. To bend the harsher rules of the City's reality to suit her canon self Carmen has gained a few powers to get her through.

Bitch Is A Ghost
DNA, fingerprints, footprints, hair or clothing fibers... when Carmen has been and gone nothing is left behind, or at least nothing readable. At the scene of a crime all that she leaves behind are her calling cards and her clues. Her fingerprints, her hair, her DNA, will all turn out to be miraculously damaged, incomplete or inconclusive on analysis.

License to Print Money
In her home universe Carmen has apparent access to insane amounts of funding to fuel her hobbies. Here in the city, this sort of limitless resource pool can really only be achieved with a veritable licence to print money. So, if Carmen needs financial resources somehow she will find them, as much of them as she needs. A minor lottery winning will drop in her lap, she'll be able to take out a loan without any hassle even without a steady job. People will just GIVE her things on the house at restaurants or stores without any apparent provication. She can punch in a random name and credit card number that she just made up on a store on the internet and it will pass muster with security. It will take time for her to realize that she has this power as at first it will seem like dumb luck to her but once she understands what she's capable of getting her hands on just by deciding that she really needs something (like, say, a helicopter) she'll pretty much abuse this freely to do fun things like make jetpacks.

Personal Hammerspace
Carmen's signature coat carries more things than it reasonably should and she can hide all kinds of stuff in it (jewelery, books, small animals...). If her coat can cover it completely her coat can store it in a sort of personal hammerspace which only Carmen can access. In anyone else's possession the coat is inert. For example she may steal a fistful of diamonds, shove them in one of her inside coat pockets, and then poor overworked police officer Momjeans could then search both the coat and Carmen but she will not find the diamonds. Only Carmen will be able to retrieve them from the magic personal hammerspace that they've been automatically hidden in.

[VOICE : 001]

[The voice on the other end of the line is smooth, cool and confident, but a bit of irritation is bleeding through Carmen's tone in places.]

Well, isn't this an interesting development? Normally a like to travel but I prefer to make my plans in advance. I was right in the middle of a project for work. I'm sure the office will manage without me but honestly, leaving workmen without a supervisor is dangerous. Someone should know better.

[She clears her throat a bit, hmmm-ing to herself as she considers for a moment. There are street noises in the background as one can tell after listening for a minute that she's walking down the street, the dull click-clack of high-heels in the background.]

While I'm here I suppose I might as well enjoy the vacation though. I always did like New York. This IS New York that I'm in, right?

The place was completely quiet which was exactly the way Carmen liked her art galleries. Quiet, empty of patrons, dark, and with absoloutely no alarms going off whatsoever. The signal jamming device she had set up at the security desk up front was working beautifully if her lack of being beset by guards and dogs was anything to judge by.

Humming to herself she deftly hopped over the velvet rope marking the point of no return between her and Kano Sansetsu's 'The Old Plum'. The screens were in beautiful condition for their age - all of The Packard Collection was, honestly - and she planned to keep them that way once she got them home. Digging into her coat she pulled out a folded up cotton blanket, laying it out on the floor with a swish and continuing to hum her little tune as she calmly and carefully plucked each delicate screen from the wall and laid it between the protective layers of the sheet.

She froze up with the third screen in her hands, hearing the thump of footsteps in the hallway. Hurrying the gather the last two screens she cursed under her breath, sweeping her coat off her shoulders and draping it over the stacked screens as fast as possible. She'd hoped the guard would be absorbed enough in the hockey game not to notice the alarm short circut but apparently she wasn't so lucky. The second her coat was wrapped fully around the screens they melted out of existence, but not fast enough for Carmen to have her coat back ON before the guard rounded the corner.

Part of her was dissapointed that she'd had the peace of a heist going so smoothly shattered by the security officer's shouting and the sudden blare of the alarms, but the rest of her thrilled to the challenge of it. Adrenaline flooded her, familiar and warm, as she whipped the coat back on and ran for the other end of the room. Once out the door she wheeled to the left and made a beeline for the nearest window. The coat weighed her down a little with the screens added to its load, but it was nothing that could stop her from being out on the window ledge before the guard reached her.

"HEY! Get down from there!"

"Sorry." She turned toward her persuer with a smile, tipping her hat at him as he came barrelling down the hall after her. "You seem nice but I really can't stay and chat."

By the time he reached the sill she was already in the air.

Nothing like a jetpack to take you home.

Carmen's favourite childhood story is the Wizard of Oz.

apps, c&c

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