It is I, your wacky social coordinator!

Jan 26, 2010 10:25

Hello partiers! First of all, I wanted to say that we have EIGHT SIX FIVE SPOTS LEFT to join our party, so if you've been putting off registration, now may be the time! (If/when we hit our cap, we will start a waiting list.)

In other exciting news, panel voting begins TOMORROW, thanks to the lovely and talented greensilver and to your fabulous suggestions. And in order to get your clicky fingers warmed up, I had an idea.

Before the previous con, we had a getting-to-know-you post, and I'd like to do that again this year, but those can get pretty lengthy pretty quickly (that's what she said) and so I've been thinking about additional ways to get people talking and I came up with the idea of BITCHIN' BUDDIES.

Basically, the way this would work is that you tick the tickybox below to indicate that you'd like to participate, and then we would randomly match you up with someone, to be revealed to you on Feb 1. You would then become this person's (secret) BITCHIN' BUDDY, and you would leave them one small anonymous thing a week throughout the month of February. We're talking SMALL things, here-a comment, a v-gift, an icon, a link to something you think they'd like, whatever. I will create a post here in the comm, with IP logging off, so that you can leave stuff in the comments there for people who have their LJs set to disallow anonymous comments. And then on February 28th, everyone's Bitchin' Buddies are revealed, and we all go YAY, THANK YOU, and then you hopefully have one more person to go YAY, HI to at the actual con.

ETA: On Feb. 1, I will also make a post where you can leave a "Dear Buddy" comment if you'd like, telling your buddy where to find you (e.g., if you primarily hang out at DW), what your current fannish interests are, etc.

What do you think? Please tick the tickybox below by Friday, January 29th if you would like to participate. If we end up with very limited interest, then we'll just stick with the getting-to-know-you post, but I wanted to give this a shot. :)

Poll Bitchin' Buddies!

Also, don't forget to take a look at the rideshare and roommate posts-there are some people looking for both! And I will have more information coming soon on other group shenanigans for the con, such as the fic library, the pimp-my-fandom panel, pictionary, and more!

Also also, if you are attending the con and you have not friended the comm (in addition to watching it), PLEASE DO SO NOW. Important information may very well be shared under friendslock, so PLEASE friend the comm so that you don't miss anything!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

admin, bitchin' buddies

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