Fourth Cabbage Joke | Accidental Video

Sep 13, 2011 08:14

[OOC: This is supposed to be backdated to a few days after the event ended. I'm sorry that I'm so slow!]

[Hey, guess who hasn't been broadcasted in a while. This guy right here!

What's he been doing in his free time, anyway?

Exploding, that's what. Yeah, apparently he turned into orange tang during the last event.

We're granted with an actual accidental video this time, although it's like so many of its nature. We can see Adachi's body from an angle on his bed before it twitches and he runs a hand through his hair. He's pretty sluggish about his movements, as expected. Yeah, all the signs of an accidental video are there, right down to the  slight attitude change. The scraggly police detective mumbles something awfully kin to:]

That's what it's like to die, huh...?

post event, c: miguel, !ic, first death, whoops, c: evelyn carnahan, adachi you idiot, orange tang time?, not so derpy right now, c: arisato minato

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