Well, this is embarrassing.
[It's hard to tell since it's only his voice, but Adachi's grimacing.]
Can anybody hear me? [His voice drops:] I'm feeling kinda stupid talking to this phone I found... Can somebody pick up? Is this even working? Sheesh, I didn't even know Inaba had a forest like this...
[He trails off upon receiving no reply. For a minute
Read more... )
[A short pause.]
And yes, it is a mansion. You'll want to make your way here and pick out a room.
I'm already inside, actually. I'm just exploring the mansion for now, but thanks for telling me! I'm afraid someone beat you to telling me where I am, though...but it is still sinking in.
It will definitely take some time getting used to the idea of being in another world. I know I'm still not even sure if this is all real or not.
Would you like a guide? It's easy to get lost here if you don't know your way around.
I can tell you, this kind of stuff doesn't really happen where I'm from, that's for sure.
[And there's a pause before he answers again. He might actually be lost already.]
Really? That would help out a lot, thanks! I'm on the second floor. We could meet up by the stairs! I mean, if that's good for you.
[His tone is a little more positive as he answers.]
I'm on the ninth floor so I'll meet you there in a few minutes.
[And with that he turns off the device and makes his way down to the second floor.]
[It takes Adachi a few minutes or so to retrace his steps. The whole mansion was starting to look the same to him, even if he had attempted to memorize it. However, he does now know the place had air vents, if that even matters. He's waiting facing the stairs, a hand grazing the back of his neck and the other around his communicator.
As he waits, he glances down at himself. Damn, he looks even more a mess. That's probably what happens when you get yourself into a fight and you're tackled. He grimaces as he pats his suit. He doesn't bother adjusting his tie, because who really cares.]
Hajime stops in front of him, eyes wide.]
Are...you okay?
[Adachi shoots Hajime a sheepish smile. He honestly can't feel the bruises erupting on the right side of his face or the several cuts. He can't even guess the damage properly.]
It's not that bad, is it? I don't usually do things like this, but I got into a fight earlier. I don't know why, either. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone.
[A nervous chuckle.] And in your case, it looks like you found that someone to satisfy those dark feelings.
Well, that explains a lot of things. But, well, can I say this? You're kinda casual about it. Have you just been here for too long? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. My job back at home just makes me naturally question stuff.
[And it dawns on him.]
Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I? I'm Adachi! And I'm really sorry! I guess the fight took a lot out of me.
Let's just say that this is not the worst Wonderland has done to the residents. Some are fighting with one another, but at least we don't have to in order to stay alive. [The carnival corpse event. He'll never forget that one.] And it's no trouble if you have any questions. I feel the same.
[And a small smile appears at the introduction.] Nice to meet you, Adachi. [He holds out his hand.] The name's Hajime.
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