Application to Entranceway

Jul 21, 2011 23:21

Name: U-C
LJ: lolliscythe
IM: shadowsshadowsha on AIM

Warning! This app is chock-full of spoilers for Persona 4. If you haven’t beaten the game yet and would like to remain oblivious, I’d advise you to not read ahead.

Character Name: Adachi Tohru
Series: Shin Megami Tensei (Persona 4)
Timeline: The moments before the Investigation Team confront him in the hospital. December 5, to be exact.
Canon Resource Link:  Here you go!
Character Background: Standing at a gangly 5'7'' and 139 pounds, Adachi is hardly physically threatening. This is further stressed through his messy brown hair, crooked red tie, rumpled second-hand suit and ever present crooked and apologetic (yet insincere) grin. Picture ref.

His appearance provokes two reactions from people; they’re either lured by his seemingly caring tones and goofy grin or either off-put by his lack of professionalism. He appears bumbling and at times tactless, particularly when around his partner Dojima’s nephew (the Protagonist) and friends. At other times, he can be seen mumbling critical information to himself as he wanders through Junes. (“That TV is just the right size”; “I wonder how that would look in the interrogation room…”) He aids the Protagonist for a good chunk of the year before he shows his true colors. He’s not as bumbling as he seems. In fact, all of his niceness and naiveté was merely a ruse. His true self is a sharp contrast to the smiling façade he put forth for nearly a year. In truth, he hates everything about the dump of a town he was thrown into and can’t wait for the fog to swallow the world and everything to become much simpler.

Hailing from a big city (it's never said which), Adachi wasn’t at all pleased when he was reassigned to the tiny town of Inaba. His frustration was further heightened when assigned as Ryotaro Dojima’s partner. Dojima and him differ greatly, and Dojima only saw him as a gofer. He even refers himself to being Dojima's slave in passing. He avoided telling anyone as to why he was reassigned other than the excuse he used every time; “I made one tiny mistake.” However, knowing him, it was more than likely far graver than he implied.

Adachi soon found a way to distract himself from the town he'd been reassigned to, however. The first bit of fun he had was with Mayumi Yamano, a reporter who was hiding out at Inaba's historic Amagi Inn under suspicion of an affair with city council secretary Taro Namatame, under the guise of being there to protect her from the press. In truth, he was interested in her, and when she blew him off, he snapped. He pushed her against a tv with the intention of raping her and in the process pushed her inside it. That time, it was an accident. He wasn't expecting for her to die. Upon finding her later the next day dead, he momentarily felt sick and made a horrible first impression to the protagonist.

However, upon reflecting on his new power he realized how he would keep himself preoccupied in Inaba. The second time he killed someone, it was a high school girl by the name of Saki Konishi. She had happened to discover Mayumi's body, so, of course the police had to question her. However, he brought her back several times, each time trying to work her down. However, one day, he went too far in his questioning and Saki responded by slapping him. Not about to tolerate being rejected again, Adachi deliberately threw her inside the tv in the interrogation room. Later on, she too was found dead in a similar position as Mayumi. He believed that Mayumi and Saki were merely gold-diggers after Namatame's money.

His role in the investigation furthers even more. When Taro Namatame calls the police and reports that he knows a connection between the victims, Adachi is the one to answer the call. Namatame talked about the fact that they had both appeared on the 'Midnight Channel' talked about around town. Adachi played his role of the skeptical police officer well, and at the end, he tells Namatame that he should try hiding the people who appear on the Midnight Channel to protect them. In the process, he made Namatame believe he had to kidnap the next victim and throw them inside the tv, and the game kept on going, much to Adachi's glee. There was also a third person he threw inside the tv, a boy by the name of Mitsuo, who had come to the police claiming he was the killer. When the police, annoyed and believing it to be a prank, pawned the boy on Adachi, Adachi took it upon himself to trap the boy inside the TV world to keep the game going.

He blames his perceptions on life on his parents. They expected far too much of him, and his luck being the way it was, he found that he couldn’t live up to their expectations. He studied for every waking second. In the process, he felt like he missed out on too much, and when his dreams were ripped away from him, his options were limited. His dreams died as quickly as they came, and he was left a hollow shell of a man. He also seems to have a complex about being rejected. His words are very specific when Saki and Mayumi refuse him. "Am I not good enough for you?!" One could say never being good enough to his parents inspired his behavior. He decided to apply to be a cop just to have the security of being able to legally carry a gun. He could have cared less about order or protecting people. He just liked the feel of steel against his fingers and the rare sense of control and power it afforded him.

This is a man who had never been given anything. Where the protagonist was gifted in every endeavor, Adachi had to struggle to stay afloat. He just happened to be a good enough actor to cover it up his darker side. Rarely did anything ever go his way. And, ironically, when he believed events were finally going in his favor, they were truly someone else’s plan altogether. And, as a final insult to injury, despite how good of an actor he was, it was a team of kids who busted him. Talk about embarrassing.

Abilites/Special Powers: Adachi is a special case. While he has a Persona like the members of the Investigation Team and thus granted the ability to pass through to the ‘TV world’, he also has the ability to control the monsters on the other side. These monsters are called shadows. However, Adachi has some delusions about the world on the other side. His egotistical streak leads him to believe the shadows are at his beck and call; however, it’s more that the shadows are on his side and operating under a common goal. If he weren’t a part of Izanami’s plan, they would most likely attack him just like the Investigation Team.

Along with this, Adachi can legally carry a gun, as part of his job. It's assumed that he's gone or is going through training as a cop, and thus it's best to note his fast reflexes and good aim. However, he's still human, and as far as it's known, he can't drag the shadows into the real world, so he's at a disadvantage outside of the TV World.

The following are the skills he can use with his Persona, Magatsu Izanagi, and what they do:

Vorpal Blade Inflicts heavy Physical damage on all enemies
Ziodyne Inflicts heavy Electric damage on one enemy
Maziodyne Inflicts heavy Electric damage on all enemies
Garudyne Inflicts heavy Wind damage on one enemy
Magarudyne Inflicts heavy Wind damage on all enemies
Power Charge The next normal attack, physical skill, or Almighty physical attack will be 2.5 times greater in power. Self.
Mudoon 50% chance of instant death from the power of Darkness on one enemy
Dekaja Cancels stat increase on all enemies
Heat Riser Increases an ally's Attack, Defense and Agility for 3 turns
Evil Smile 25% chance of inflicting the Fear ailment on all enemies
Foolish Whisper 25% chance of inflicting the Silence ailment on all enemies
Ghastly Wail Instantly kills all enemies suffering from Fear ailment

In addition, he's immune to any dark or light attacks.

Third-Person Sample: As he rounded a corner in the hospital, Adachi’s stomach tightened in anxiety. The game was almost done. In a few weeks, it would be over. Namatame had just been escorted out of the hospital. He of course realized that he can’t afford to break his façade now.

“Oh, Adachi-san, can you see where Dojima-san went?” one of the nurses asked him as he walked by.

“He’s out again?” Adachi asked as he turned to her. He was careful to keep his voice moderately worried. He had to tone his intentions down.

He noted her worried sigh and tired eyes with vague disinterest. She wasn’t like many of the women he’d ran into in his life; he doubted she would steal anyone’s money (even though judging by how loosely her scrubs fit her, she probably needed it). “Yes,” she said in a huff. “And we don’t know how long ago, either. For all we know, he could be lying on the floor… I was hoping you could find him and keep it quiet.”

Keep it quiet, huh? Adachi was able to muffle a chuckle at the subtle image his mind had concocted for him--Dojima flopping around in a manner not unlike a fish out of water. He didn’t have much fondness for his partner, and for good reason. Although Dojima had started warming up to him in the past few months through inviting him home, he couldn't find himself appreciating his partner's efforts. For a man who’d been on the force for so long, he was completely clueless about some things, especially things that happened to be right under his nose.

With a crooked grin, Adachi merely nodded to the nurse and said in his most soothing tones, “You can count on me, ma’am.”

First-Person Sample: Well, this is embarrassing.

[It's hard to tell since it's only his voice, but Adachi's grimacing.]

Can anybody hear me? [His voice drops:] I'm feeling kinda stupid talking to a phone... Can somebody pick up? Is this even working? Sheesh, I didn't even know Inaba had a forest like this...

ooc, application, @entranceway

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