[Application | Ilpromenade ]

Apr 08, 2011 20:27


✧ NAME: Milo
✧ LJ USERNAME: milo1047
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): milo1047 [at] gmail.com, AIM: milo1047, plurk: milo1047


✧ NAME: Bumblebee

✧ SERIES: Transformers: RotF

✧ HISTORY: Brought online sometime before the beginning of the Great War, Bumblebee enlisted to fight in the Autobot cause when the war began. He became a dedicated soldier and follower of Optimus Prime, serving as a both a scout and front-line soldier for the Autobot leader. Late in the war, he was involved in the fateful battle at Tyger Pax, where he was personally confronted by Megatron after being captured and tortured. Bumblebee delayed the Decepticon ruler for the vital time it took for the All-Spark to be launched into space, keeping it out of Megatron's grasp. This is a source of some small amount of pride for him, pride tempered by the good bots he lost during the fighting. Unfortunately, Megatron crushed his voicebox, an injury he still copes with as it periodically goes offline, requiring further repair.

Bumblebee departed Cybertron with Optimus Prime and other Autobots, his mission to search out the All-Spark. For millenia, he searched among the stars and planets in vain for the All-Spark before at last his long search came to an end at a planet called Earth. He made planet-fall, certain the All-Spark was there. However, he was followed there by several Decepticons and was forced to go into hiding, searching out clues that would lead him to the All-Spark. At last, he located Sam Witwicky and contrived to be 'purchased' as the boy's first car. Confident that the All-Spark could now be located he, contacted Optimus Prime and the other Autobots. He was discovered, however, by Sam and was forced to at last reveal himself in order to defend the boy from Barricade. After fending off the Decepticon and explaining his presence as best he could to Sam and Mikaela, Bumblebee took the two to meet the newly arrived Optimus Prime and the rest of the small team of Autobots accompanying him. After retrieving the glasses needed to find the All-Spark, Sam and his family were arrested by Sector 7. The Autobots preformed a swift rescue mission and Bumblebee showed his disdain for Agent Simmons in a rather juvenile fashion. However, further Sector 7 reinforcements arrived and Bumblebee was captured.

Disabled and taken to the Sector 7 base at the Hoover Dam, Bee was doomed to a short, painful life of experimentation. Then Sam arrived and managed to secure Bumblebee's release. Bumblebee was naturally suspicious and rather angry at Sector 7, but put that aside in order to focus on more important things, like the All-Spark. He took the cube, shrank it down to size and headed for Mission City Los Angeles with Sam, Mikaela and the other Autobots. During the extensive battle there, Bee's legs were blown off by Starscream. With Mikaela's help, he was strapped to the back of a tow-truck and helped Lennox and his men by blowing the ever-loving slag out of Brawl. When the battle was won, Bee at last spoke and asked permission to stay with Sam. To his pleasure, this was granted and he lived with Sam, watching over and protecting his charge as a faithful guardian.

This of course, could not last forever. Nearly two years the first battles on Earth, more and more Decepticon contacts had been made on Earth. Bumblebee continued his vigilance over Sam and was called into action when a forgotten shard of the All-Spark turned most of the Witwicky kitchen into Decepticon robots. Sadly, Sam left Bumblebee when he departed for college, saying that he merely wanted to "be normal." Bumblebee was naturally upset, but did as Sam asked. Fortunately for Sam, however, Bumblebee arrived in time to save him when the boy, Mikaela and Leo were abducted by the Decepticons. He served in his capacity of guardian admirably, doing his utmost to defend Sam and the others throughout their harrowing experience in Egypt. He engaged and destroyed Rampage and Ravage in combat, saving Sam from destruction at their hands.
✧ TIMELINE: Post-canon (Post-RotF)

✧ PERSONALITY: The first thing one must know about Bumblebee's personality is his absolute and unremitting loyalty. Bumblebee is absolutely loyal to Optimus Prime, the Autobot cause, and his friend Sam Witwicky. He would give his life for any of them, without hesitation. He also has keen sense of duty and responsibility, to the point of placing himself in near suicidal situations (i.e. taking on Megatron solo) to complete his missions.

Bumblebee’s loyalty to Optimus Prime cannot be overstated. He holds a great, abiding respect for the older Autobot and accepts most of the orders he’s given from Prime without much thought or question. He trusts Optimus to do the right thing. Bumblebee believes firmly in Optimus Prime's mantra of 'Freedom is the right of all sentient beings' and bristles against authoritarian rule. His loyalty to Prime and the Autobot cause is what gained him his signature injury to his vocal circuitry. He refused to be cowed when interrogated by Megatron, loyal to what he must have assumed would be the end, and suffered severe injury for it. But the damage was worth it to him. He had fulfilled his mission and delayed Megatron long enough to prevent the capture of the All-Spark.

By the same token, his trust and care for Sam Witwicky and by extension Mikaela and the rest of Sam’s family, is absolute. He is their protector and more than that he considers himself a close friend of the Witwicky boy, even if Sam did try to brush him off when he went to college. He reacts instantly to Sam’s calls for aid, even if in his zeal to help the boy, he did severe damage to the Witwicky house. On the opposite side of the spectrum, ‘Bee can be tender and almost gentle with his charges, and for some reason even allows them to make out on his hood on one occasion.

He possesses a playful and even irreverent sense of humor, at one point dumping a load of lubricant on Agent Simmons of Sector 7 in order to help illustrate his disdain for the main. He also possesses a capable wit as well as a love for human music and culture, often using a combination of music and audio broadcasts to help get his point across, sometimes in a rather humorous manner. ‘Bee knows that there are times to be serious and focused on his mission, but his playful streak finds a way to shine when the situation calls for levity. He’s a bit of a ham, though this may be a result of the loss of his ability to speak (though as Sam notes, he plays it up for attention at times), making exaggerated motions of sadness and despair when he learns that Sam will be going to college without him.

Bumblebee, like many ground-pounding Cybertronians is a great fan of racing and fast driving, often pushing himself as fast as he can manage simply for the pure joy of driving.

Lastly, Bumblebee is an experienced soldier. He may have started as a simple guard, but time and experience has turned him into a weathered soldier of the Cybertronian civil war. By the time of the Battle of Tyger Pax, just before the All-Spark was launched into space, ‘Bee had participated in most of the major engagements of the war and learned that in battle, especially against the Decepticons, he must be quite ruthless. In Egypt he expertly ripped Ravage’s spine from him, finishing off the Decepticon before he could attack Sam. It is in his capacity as a soldier and a guardian that his most serious and even zealous side emerges. He becomes all business, doing what he can to quickly and efficiently end whatever battle he has entered into. Even when missing both his legs as a result of an attack by Starscream, Bumblebee was willing to re-enter the battle in a display of his stubbornness and dedication to the cause. With a little help from Mikaela he acquitted himself well in Mission City.

✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: As a Cybertronian, Bumblebee is capable of transforming into a 2009 GM Camaro and also possesses a fairly heavy armament for a bot his size, including a plasma cannon, machine gun and two shoulder mounted missile launchers. He is a skilled scout and warrior, holding his own in battle even against larger Decepticons.


✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: The Witwicky residence, including the garage.


✧ FIRST PERSON: +++Attempting to access World Wide Web. . .+++

+++Unable to access World Wide Web. . .+++

+++Accessing local network. . .++

+++Access Granted+++

Hello? Is anyone out there? This is Bumblebee, attempting to contact any Autobot in the area. I seem to have been hijacked in some manner by an unknown force. I seem to be in a strange city, location unknown. Attempts to access the human internet have been unsuccessful. Repeat, this is Bumblebee attempting to contact any Autobot within range, please respond.

✧ THIRD PERSON: The radio had become an extension of himself. It was more than a tool now, more than a simple method of communication. It was almost an integral part of his life. And he wasn't sure now if he did want it fixed, even if Ratchet was capable of doing it. Music, after all, was such a good tool for the expression of emotion and feeling, even if literal speech was made rather difficult by his handicap. There was something satisfying about blasting music in response to an insult or taunt, to using it in those ways himself. Plus, the look on their faces when he would break out some of the odder music was almost always worth it. Bumblebee was resting, as usual, in the garage behind the Witwicky's house. His systems chirped a quiet alert as the door opened, then relaxed as he confirmed Sam and Mikaela's presence. He was about to pipe up when he noticed they were doing that thing again. The lip-locked kissing that seemed to pass for a display of affection in human culture. A soft, imperceptible sigh escaped the disguised robot. While he didn't begrudge them their relationship, sometimes they seemed to forget that he was there. Ah well, all the better when he reminded them. He waited, quietly, until they bumped up against the hood before his speakers roared to life along with his engine.

"Let's get it on, ooh, ooh
Let's get it on!
You know what I'm talkin' 'bout
Come on, baby, hey, hey--!"

Mikaela and Sam jumped back from the car, one of them giving a girlish shriek (probably Sam). Bumblebee's radio flicked off with a click and the scout gave a smug 'wink' with his headlights as the pair gave him an exasperated (and in Sam's case, mortified) look.

"Ah. Um. Sorry 'Bee. Won't happen again. I promise." Bumblebee knew, of course, that probably wasn't true. But then again, chosing songs to surprise them with never seemed to get boring. . . .

application, ooc

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