(no subject)

Jun 29, 2005 22:28

1. Have you ever fallen off your bed?
~~ A few times~~

2. Do you sleep on the floor?
~~ IF I fell there yes~~

3. Have you ever gone camping?
~~Yes, as well as lived in a tent for 3 months~~

4. Do you like to play hopscotch?

5. What do you do when it rains?
~~play in it, till i'm all wet and sexy~~

6. Are you on a computer,laptop,etc.?
~~desktop, it's shit and was my ex husbands~~

7. Where are you now?
~~home~My room~~

8. How many surveys have you done today?
~~This would be the first~~

9. Whats the last movie you've seen?
~~Longest yard~~

10. Do you go to summer school?
~~Never had to~~

11. Do you go to camp?
~~~ymca summer camp~~Church camp~~ect~~

12. Have you ever played rugby?

13. Have you ever played basketball when it was storming?
~~In my bra even~~

14. Are you a cheerleader?
~~For satan~~J/K~~

15. What's your favorite college?
~~Don't have one~~

16. What elementary school did you go to?
~~~Gold dust ~~

17. Middle School?
~~~EVil private charter hell hole~~

18. High School?

21. Do you wear spirit wear?

22. Do you sprint when you run?

23. What are you listening to now?
~~~My brother tv~~ through the wall~~~

24. What color is your cursor?
~~normal black~~~

25. Have you ever been to a wedding?
~YES~~~Even had my own~~

26. Have you ever worked at a job?
~~AM I bleeding the welfare system?? NO~~~

27. How many times have you moved?
~~AT least ten~~

28. Do you take medicine?

29. Where have you been out of your country?

30. Whats the most exotic place you've been to?

31. Are your nails painted?
~~~old chipped faded black~~

32. Do you have makeup on?
~~~eyebrows, eyeliner~~old and smeared~~

33. Do you wear glasses?

34. Do you know anyone that is blind?
~~yes~~and color blind too~~

35. Do you have friends that are conceited?

36. Have you ever planted a tree?

37. What's your favorite colors?

38. Do you think you are popular?
~~no~~nor do I care~~

39. Do you text people?

40. Have you ever tried counting to a million?

41. Do you read during the summer?
~~I read whenever I feel lead to do so~~~

42. What is one thing that is turned on all the time?
~~my b.f~~my computer~~my mind~~

43. Do you have asthma?

44. Did you ever want braces?
~~no~~But I got them anyways~~

45. Have you ever caught a firefly?
~~firefly~~fairies~~same difference~~

46. Did you ever cut your own hair?

47. Have you been to a palace?

48. Do you want to be a queen/king?
~~nope~~too much pressure~~

49. What are you wearing?

51. Have you ever roasted marshmellows?

52. Have you made a snowman before?

53. Is it snowing?
~~no this is phx az~~

54. Do you have a secret handshake with someone?
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