ooc: App for capeandcowl

Jan 23, 2011 23:18

NAME: Yami
AGE: 20
JOURNAL: yacchan
IM: kaizokuyacchan
E-MAIL: kefkaknight@gmail.com
RETURNING: returning. I currently play Pietro Maximoff (oncemercurial ) and Doctor Strange (hoaryhosts ).

CHARACTER NAME: Ryugasaki Momoko
FANDOM: Kamikaze Girls/Shimotsuma Monogatari
CHRONOLOGY: From the end of the movie, when she’s driving away on the bike with Ichiko.
CLASS: CONFUSED SCHOOL GIRL. Uhh. Momoko is generally a good person, but likes to pretend to be a jerk. She’ll likely whine about it, but help out if need be.
ALTER EGO: Momoko Ryugasaki, foreign exchange student.

Momoko was born in a town near Kobe, Japan. Her father was a low-level hooligan who quickly graduated to low-level gangster, and her mother was a lush who relied on her good looks to carry through life. Momoko’s mother began an affair with her gynecologist the day she was born, and when the divorce was finalized, Momoko went to live with her father. Because it was “more fun”.

Dame Oyaji (Momoko’s pet-name for her dad), got involved with a bootlegging operation when she was in middle school. It was profitable and the ‘bargain hunters’ ate it up. Meanwhile, Momoko discovered Lolita fashion, particularly the brand, Baby! The Stars Shine Bright. While her father was busy conning people with bootleg clothing, Momoko told elaborate stories about sick or dying classmates to con her father out of money that she would spend on fancy designer dresses and other Lolita accessories.

In her first year in high school, Dame Oyaji’s “business” attracted the interest of the authorities thanks to a highly successful collaboration of Universal Studios and Versace. Actually, he’d just stuck both logos on some baseball caps. Threatened with finger removal by sushi knife, he took Momoko, and they moved to the tiny little village of Shimotsuma. Momoko was enrolled in school, and her father set up a new con.

Momoko was the only Lolita in Shimotsuma. She didn’t have any friends, but claimed not to see anything wrong with that. After all, what did she need friends for when she had beautiful clothing? Except money was harder to come by in a little Podunk town with no good cons to be had, so Momoko had to make her own cash. She wrote up an ad in one of the local pennysavers for her Versace (but not really) clothing, and waited patiently to be contacted. Eventually Ichiko (a Yanki in a hardcore, girls-only biker gang) wrote her a letter explaining that she “totally please” wanted some Versace items for a family wedding. The two met face to face, Ichiko insisting on paying more for the knockoffs than Momoko really thought necessary. Still, money was money, and if it kept her in frills and petticoats, Momoko wasn’t going to knock it.

The two became friends (sort of). Ichiko soon mentioned that the leader of her gang, Akimi, was soon to retire. In honor of this, she wanted to get a message for Akimi embroidered onto her Kamikaze Coat (long coats that are standard-wear for biker gang members). Ichiko insisted on going to Tokyo and hunting down Emma, a legendary embroiderer. She dragged Momoko along. While they never found Emma, they did stop off at Baby! The Stars Shine Bright. By happenstance, Momoko was wearing a bonnet she’d repaired with some custom embroidery. The shop clerk noticed it and asked Akinori Isobe (the brad’s head designer) to take a look. Momoko spazzed out and couldn’t speak. In ‘defense of her honor’ Ichiko stepped forward and headbutted Isobe, knocking him into some gift boxes. The entire situation was explained away relatively easily, and Isobe laughed it off, taking Momoko’s embarrassment as an opportunity to study her embroidery more carefully.

On the way back to the train station, Ichiko ditched Momoko to ogle a celebrity grabbing lunch at a convenience store. Momoko apparently wandered around for hours and by the time she caught up, was understandably a little annoyed at Ichiko. They fought, headed home in a huff, and refused to speak to each other the entire way. Toward the end of the trip, Momoko realized (on some level, at least) she was having her first fight with a friend, and they made up. Momoko offered to do Ichiko’s embroidery.

She slaved away day and night and created a beautiful, if simple (by Ichiko’s request) embroidered message. Shortly thereafter, Akimi left the gang to get married and the Ponytails (Ichiko’s gang) was taken over by someone else. Drama happened somehow, and Ichiko was bullied for hanging out with Momoko, among other things. Akinori Isobe contacted Momoko to do embroidery for a sample of one of his new designs and while she initially said yes, Momoko ended up calling him back and canceling their appointment to go and save Ichiko from a gang fight.

Momoko took her grandmother’s old scooter, and drove off to the field where the showdown was to take place. She was hit by a vegetable truck and thought she was dying, but didn’t. Determination renewed, Momoko raced to Ichiko, intending to stop the fight before anyone could get hurt.

That’s not exactly what ended up happening. Some of the touch biker chicks ended up shoving Momoko in all of her Baby! The Stars Shine Bright frills into a puddle of mud, ruining the dress. Enraged, Momoko yelled at them in very harsh, very un-Lolita Japanese, catching their attention. She then told them that she was the daughter of Himiko (a legendary yanki biker chick) who had married the embroiderer Emma. A fight broke out and fueled by her rage over her ruined dress, Momoko won almost singlehandedly.

On the trip back to Shimotsuma on Ichiko’s bike, the girls laughed over the fight and Ichiko revealed that Himiko was entirely fictional. She’d written up the legendary Himiko story and submitted it to a Yanki magazine when she was in middle school. But it was okay that Momoko had changed the ending because everything she’d come up with was way better than what Ichiko would have thought up alone.

Momoko is a little emotionally stunted. She was very serious as a child, but believed that personal happiness was the point of existence and should be everyone’s goal, regardless of those around them. Because of this, she pushed away her mother’s attempts to stay in her life, and… When her Lolita fashions took over, cheated her father out of quite a bit of money. It isn’t that she’s necessarily a bad, or immoral person. Rather that she still believes personal happiness should take precedence over just about everything else, as long as you’re not hurting anyone physically. She never really had any friends. Or at least, none that were high up enough on the radar to be listed in her “profile” at the beginning of the movie. It isn’t said whether or not she was picked on or bullied, but I believe it’s a fair bet that if she wasn’t, she was at least held at a distance from her classmates. They likely didn’t know how to deal with her odd vocabulary and firm opinions on what a young woman should and shouldn’t do. The lack of like minds even before she moved to Shimotsuma probably contributed to her distaste for socializing and friends.

When she meets Ichiko, she’s pretty cold and indifferent to her at first. Despite this, the two become friends and Momoko gradually reveals that she does have a pretty good understanding of human interaction. It’s not just that she doesn’t get most people. It’s that she’s chosen for whatever reason (admitted, or not), to not deal with them and to obsess over another culture and the escapism of Lolita fashion.

Regarding her parents, Momoko still maintains that personal happiness should be above all else. She relates this to her mother at a young age, but seems to follow this less with her father. Regardless of her personal philosophy, Momoko does feel cheated by her parents. She definitely wishes her father were less of a hood, and her mother were more present, but doesn’t really know how to express either of those things in a meaningful way. Even beyond that though, between her disappointing parents and disappointing classmates, Momoko would’ve rather been born in the Rococo era. At least then women knew how to act.
1 - FRILLS EVERYWHERE. Basically everything Momoko wants at any given time will be loli-ed up to suit her. This could be anything from clothes, to buildings, to people. (clothing will start looking all Baby!-ish, buildings will suddenly have very rococo moldings, and people might just start bishi sparkling). She won’t be able to control this very well at first, so look forward to random changes of scenery. The effects would last somewhere between 10-30 minutes if she’s not actively thinking about it.
2 - Intuitiveness and Epic Advice. Momoko will be able to perceive a characters most selfish desires and suggest ways they should pursue them. This would be done with a permissions post, and probably only in face-to-face encounters.
3 - Bishoujo sparkles and float away. Pretty much how it sounds. Momoko will be able to sparkle and float away after she tells you how best to ruin your life. :0


01 - VOICE
[The audio feed cuts on suddenly to the sound of someone panting like they’ve run a great distance or are really really freaked out. One of those is what actually happened. When the girl speaks, it’s in shrill Japanese. It takes the comm. A few seconds to catch up and sub it.]

Kimiko? That robot thinks I’m Himiko?! But Himiko is fictional! Ichiko just told me.

[She huffs, and the next bit is quieter. Less shrill, and maybe a little pouty.]

She could have just been screwing with me again, I guess. Mean.

[Someone with perceptive ears might catch the sound of air moving passed the microphone, but honestly, it could just be the sound of someone moving around. Hard to say. Momoko seems to have calmed down at least. There’s no longer any panting, or shrill little surprised squeaks every now and then.]

Well, I have two theories about what’s happened here. The first is that I died in the bike accident. If so, I should have never gotten onto that rickety old thing in the first place. They’re not very elegant or rococo and the gas kind of smells bad. Either way, this is a very cruel way to begin the journey to the after life. Whatever spirit is guiding me can come out now, I’m not having fun.

The second is that I’m concussed from the fight. That’s probably more logical, but since I’m concussed, I have an excuse for assuming I died first. You might do it too! Wait, why am I talking to you? It doesn’t matter, I guess.

But since I have this thing, and I guess people are listening… My name is Momoko Ryugasaki. I’m not from America obviously. I think I’m hallucinating, and I don’t know where I am. Before I woke up, I was traveling with my… Friend, I guess. Ichiko. She’s a very angry, mannish girl but she’s actually very pretty with painted on eyebrows and a pink scooter. If you see her, tell her I’m very upset. Thank you.

[There’s a quiet pause, an the sound of someone fumbling with a button, and then the feed cuts off.]


On some level, Momoko had always wanted to visit New York. Granted, Paris, Versailles, Milan, Rome, Venice, and Barceloma were all much higher on her list. It wasn’t that America wasn’t pretty of course. It just wasn’t Lolita. But anyway, she’d wanted to see it at least once before she died. The bright lights, neon, taxies, high fashion, tall foreign girls with their skinny jeans and ultra-chic, provocative clothing. Her ideal trip would have been glamorous. Five star hotels, and dinners at expensive restaurants. The theatre, opera, and ballet, along with sight-seeing at all the oldest and most interesting buildings. Then maybe a trip to the fashion district to look at what everyone else was wearing. Maybe there would be an accessory or two that would match with the latest OP from Baby!. She wouldn’t hold her breath, or anything, but it was worth a chance.

Anyway, it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Momoko glared daggers as the cars rushed passed her on the street, kicking up slush and grime onto the high soles of her Rocking Horse Shoes. Yes, it was just the soles, but even in Shimotsuma, the dust had been more considerate. She didn’t mind walking the few blocks to where she was supposed to go, but did it have to be so nasty out? Sax blue stained easily. Would stain easily. And what would she wear then?

It occurred to her, vaguely, that perhaps she ought to be more concerned with what the robotic voice had said and given to her. Welcome to the City, Hero it had said with a tone that was mocking. Almost the same tone she used when she wanted to really bring it home that her classmates were acting stupid and piggish. Unamused, and judgmental on the verge of being disgusted. It wasn’t pretty hearing it from the other end, she realized. Oh well. They were piggish and stupid.

With that in mind, she thumbed the engraving on the dog tag rapidly cooling in her pocket. The metal hadn’t been cold when she’d left, but two blocks in with this weather and suddenly everything seemed cold. Attempting to distract herself from the setting sun, and the wind that kept licking at the tips of her ears, and her knees, she pulled out the tag, reading the inscription carefully. It was masterfully done, really. If she were more punk, it might even be fashionable.

Except for what it said… “Himiko?!”

Nothing immediately comes to mind.


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