
Dec 31, 2005 15:18

why is it that everytime I think I'm over you,somehow I find myself snuggled next to you and we're spilling our hearts out to one another?
It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to figure out that we're both miserable unless we're around one another.So why cant we both override our pride and be together?I'll tell you why:
Because YOU fucked up,and I'm too smart to let you do all that shit to me over again.
'Fool me once shame on you,fool me twice shame on me.'Isn't that how the saying goes?
You know the way you did me was wrong,just like I know the way I did you was wrong.
Maybe thats why we worked so well together.I knew what to expect from you,and vice-versa.
After that little chat we had the day before yesterday....I know you're not Happy.You don't feel part of that family.and even though you didn't say it..I know you're sorry you fucked us up.
When you were with me,you had a family.You belonged.You know you did (and still do).
Baby,the second you crawled outta that car with sarah that clicked with us.With me.I left the best girl I ever had because I felt something sparking between you and I.Maybe it was love..maybe something just a little bit more.
You are unhappy right now.yea so what,paul makes you laugh.He tells you you're pretty everyday.LeWayne,*I* did that.'Cept when I did it,*I* meant it with everything in me.You KNOW that.wether you admit it or not.but even you said those are about his only good traits.
'I just want someone to talk to.If I need someone,they can be there for me.Thats all I want.'
Those are the words you said to me.Girlfriend,whats it gonna take for you to realize...That person is me.All I want...all its gonna take for ME to have internal happiness and contentment is to know that you're happy.With whoever that may be.I just wanna see you happy.
So,no,I dont think you should be with Paul.Paul doesn't make you happy.Paul doesn't treat you like a person.He treats you like a piece of property.Paul isnt good for you.
Thats not saying I think you should be with me...because hell I know I don't make you happy.
What I'm saying is you need to take 2 seconds to sit down with yourself and seriously think about what makes you happy,buck up and act on your thoughts.
I mean yea inside I think we should be together..because i was never happier than when I was with you.Babe,I told you...I have no memories of anything aside from the 6 months we spent together.You taught me so much.and honestly I'd try one more time...just to see if I could give you what you need.but I doubt it.I smother you.We smothered one another.thats why we can never function again.We love one another TOO much.
but yes,I know in my knower,you need to get away from Paul.He doesn't allow you to have friends or go out without him.why?cuz he doesnt trust you.He's afraid that youll meet someone without him that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
I'm gonna shoot him in the face with a B.B.Gun.
LeWayne,I LOVE you.Do you understand that?!I love you and I want you to be happy.You need to find something else.maybe thats the problem.for both of us.we're not over each other,you know it as well as I do.maybe we're unhappy,not because we're not together but because we're looking for contentment and happiness in other "PEOPLE".What if thats where we keep going wrong?Should we begin looking for something's instead of someones?
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