Apr 19, 2005 19:09
read if you can...its long
Liane La Mancha: mike aguilera!
kewlmikey86: lindsay!
Liane La Mancha: haha
kewlmikey86: whats up?
Liane La Mancha: did you get my im yester about hookah on saturday?
kewlmikey86: yea, but i don't think i can go
kewlmikey86: :-(
kewlmikey86: i have a debate tournament this weekend
Liane La Mancha: :-(
Liane La Mancha: boo
kewlmikey86: i know it sucks
Liane La Mancha: mama belle and i really miss chillin with you
kewlmikey86: i'm sowie
Liane La Mancha: its cool
Liane La Mancha: we both know that you're busy
kewlmikey86: sigh
Liane La Mancha: dont worry! there will be time
kewlmikey86: of course
Liane La Mancha: anyway, did you hear?
Liane La Mancha: new pope
kewlmikey86: oh, no i didn't
kewlmikey86: where is he from?
Liane La Mancha: Pope Benedict XVI that was dubbed "the doctrinal watch dog"
Liane La Mancha: really conservative
Liane La Mancha: he's from Germany
kewlmikey86: hmmm
Liane La Mancha: there were news stations at convo interviewing people about it
kewlmikey86: thats cool
kewlmikey86: did you get interviewed?
Liane La Mancha: nope
Liane La Mancha: i felt that they were interviewing people that were for the most part pretty ignorant or uninformed
Liane La Mancha: which, in my opinion, shows a really bad representation of our campus
Liane La Mancha: because we
Liane La Mancha: are this institution dedicated to education and learning and we are a Roman Catholic institution
kewlmikey86: true
kewlmikey86: and that sucks that they chose the least informent
Liane La Mancha: and people might know that there is new pope but they know nothing of what he stands for
kewlmikey86: informed*
Liane La Mancha: and what he intends to do
kewlmikey86: true
Liane La Mancha: well, they were hanging around the fraternity and sorority tables
Liane La Mancha: need i say more?
kewlmikey86: ouch
kewlmikey86: thats painful
Liane La Mancha: why?
Liane La Mancha: did i offend you?
Liane La Mancha: sorry
kewlmikey86: no
Liane La Mancha: oh
kewlmikey86: you didn't offend me
Liane La Mancha: are you just saying i'm harsh?
kewlmikey86: nope i'
kewlmikey86: m
kewlmikey86: saying that it hurts to be represented by our greeks
kewlmikey86: especially to the news media
Liane La Mancha: yeah
kewlmikey86: sorry if that came off wrong
Liane La Mancha: no worries
Liane La Mancha: i was just worried that i offended you
Liane La Mancha: but its the truth
Liane La Mancha: and at the same time, news stations want whats marketable
Liane La Mancha: the sad reality that we live in
kewlmikey86: true true
kewlmikey86: oh well
kewlmikey86: whats done is done
Liane La Mancha: yeah
Liane La Mancha: and another thing that i noticed, well maybe not noticed because i didnt see every single person that they interviewed but i didnt see much minorities being represented/interviewed
kewlmikey86: there are serious problems with the media
Liane La Mancha: well, media isnt always about representing the truth or our reality
Liane La Mancha: they usually represent an altered reality
Liane La Mancha: i mean, usually they represent what people want to see more than what should be seen
kewlmikey86: exactly
Liane La Mancha: they do that to reach and catch the appeal of a wider demographic
Liane La Mancha: i mean, if they always showed what should be seen and screened by the public there would be a rise in documentaries and indie flicks
Liane La Mancha: and there would be a decline in commercial, mainstream films
Liane La Mancha: not to mention the decrease in stars in hollywood
Liane La Mancha: and can you imagine that?
kewlmikey86: nope
kewlmikey86: there is no way that would ever happen
Liane La Mancha: with the decrease in hollywood stars the distribution of wealth in america would be so much more equal!
Liane La Mancha: i know but think of the possibilities!
Liane La Mancha: and you never know
Liane La Mancha: with our generation
Liane La Mancha: we could make some changes
Liane La Mancha: if we try
Liane La Mancha: but then again, that could just be my crazy optimistic side talking
Liane La Mancha: which is probably the case
kewlmikey86: alas i think it might be
kewlmikey86: cause your generation seems as fake if not more so than the ones previous
Liane La Mancha: omg mike a. could you imagine that? its so utopian
kewlmikey86: it really is
Liane La Mancha: dont you mean our generation?
kewlmikey86: yea
kewlmikey86: that is what i meant
Liane La Mancha: oh okay
Liane La Mancha: just making sure
Liane La Mancha: but anyway
Liane La Mancha: do you really think so?
kewlmikey86: yea
Liane La Mancha: that our generation is more fake than the previous one?
kewlmikey86: i really think so
Liane La Mancha: hmm....what makes you think so?
kewlmikey86: with the rise in information sharing and the almost ubiquitous media
kewlmikey86: we are constantly being told what to want and how to think
kewlmikey86: and subsequently thats how we are acting
Liane La Mancha: but then there are also those individuals that dont agree with the status quo
kewlmikey86: but disagreement with the staus quo is a trend
kewlmikey86: the movement of "alternative" is just as popular as mainstream
Liane La Mancha: as much as its a trend dont you think that there are some that really pursue it?
Liane La Mancha: thats true
kewlmikey86: yea
Liane La Mancha: there are still those possible "movers and shakers" as i like to call them that have the ability to change things
Liane La Mancha: lets just hope that they rise to the occasion
kewlmikey86: they will
kewlmikey86: i assure you of that
kewlmikey86: our generation has its activists ready
Liane La Mancha: this is true
Liane La Mancha: i know!
kewlmikey86: it just doesn't really have a cause yet
Liane La Mancha: and i'm so proud of that fact!
Liane La Mancha: i know
Liane La Mancha: do you know cathy deng?
kewlmikey86: i know of her
kewlmikey86: and i've seen her speak on a couple of occasions
Liane La Mancha: she arranged a protest, i dont know if it was THE protest, in NY against Miss Jones when the whole tsunami song issue came about
Liane La Mancha: she is meant for great things
kewlmikey86: i hadn't heard that
kewlmikey86: but yea she is
Liane La Mancha: okay
Liane La Mancha: can i just tell you that this is one of the best conversations that i have ever had?
kewlmikey86: i'm glad
Liane La Mancha: it really is doing wonders for me because i just got a bit of bad news
kewlmikey86: i'm sorry to hear that
Liane La Mancha: thank you so much though
Liane La Mancha: oh no worries
kewlmikey86: you are so welcome
Liane La Mancha: you werent the cause of it
kewlmikey86: i'm here to help
kewlmikey86: always
Liane La Mancha: oh mike a. this is why i love you!
Liane La Mancha: you are so awesome