Dipping my toe back into fanfic writing.

Jul 25, 2012 06:28

Okay It's been a while since I've written any thing and I still have two large Spuffy fics that I haven't finished.
I have no real excuse except to say that my muse has been off larking around and didn't leave a forwarding address,
Anyway It was quite a surprise when just the other day I turned around to find her there insistently poking me and going on about this new couple that had caught her eye.
I wined for a bit but she was pretty persistent so in the end I just surrendered and gave in. The result..
My first ever Damon and Elena fic and my currant new reading obsession. Coz  I do like me some angst mixed in with my dash of UST.
Anyway if you are interested Let me know what you think.
This is totally UN-beat'd 

It can be found at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/4146004/ At least until I can work out why I'm too thick to get my LJ cut to work Grrrargh!

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