Apr 29, 2001 04:15
What a day! First, I went with my friend Bonna to grab something to eat. After choking down our "authentic" mexican cuisine, we decide to go the pond at the park at ASF as I have an strange fondness for ducks. Bonna and I sat at the very edge of the pond to watch the various wildlife pop their heads up at time to time. Two boys approached us as we sat and smoked. The best way to describe them is that they both looked and acted barely out of high school and had this " I got my GED but have no plans to go to college" sort of feel to them. One had short hair, abaseball cap, and peach fuzz mustache and the other had long hair and a peach fuzz mustuche. The boy with the long hair asked if I would like a baby turtle. I, being someone who adores animals, was thrilled by the offer. He placed it in my hands. The baby turle was about the size of an oreo and utterly adorable. As I held it, the boy with the cap described how he caught it. "I saw it at the edge of the pond and I told him", he pointed to the other boy " Just hold my legs, I'll git 'im.". Just hold my legs and I'll git 'im. If that isn't a totally late teens/early twenties straight guy kind of remark, I don't know what the hell is. It ranks right up there with, "She had this fucking huge scar on her face but did you see her tits?!", a truly golden straight guy quote I overheard at the waffle house. Het guys are a truly odd sort, aren't they? After describing the scene to me the boy with the cap lifted the turtle out of my hands and said, "Naw, I think I'm going to give it my girlfriend". I was a little pissed but I couldn't be too angry, as I was planning to let the poor dear go after they had given it to me. They said they were off to catch more and wished Bonna and me a pleasant evening. As soon as they were out of earshot, Bonna and i laughed uncontrollably. The two of us walked around for awhile and finally decide we were both a bit sick of the place and that we should leave. I can't remember the exact way it was brought up but one of us made a reference to the musical "Rent" (a musical we're both obsessed with). Bonna suggested that we should go for a long drive and listen to the soundtrack from it. It was the best idea I'd heard in a long time so I agreed. I don't know where we drove exactly but I believe we were almost to Union Springs. The road Bonna chose was very rural and quite lovely. I made a point to roll down my window so I could smell the strong scent of honeysuckle that permeats the air this time of year and is especially potent in the more rural areas. Every bit of the drive was lovely. The music, singing along to it, the honeysuckle, and the beautiful night sky, made my head swim and I forgot about everything else. By the time we made it back to Montgomery, our throats were raw from singing everything from the entire first act of "Rent". We stopped at Barnes and Nobles for something to wet our aching throats and were joined by George, Carime, Jason, Mike Adams, Mike who works with Sam at B. Dalton, Courtney and a few people who's names I don't recall. A certain person I like very much was there and that made me exceedingly happy. I was fortunate enough to talk to him and when he wandered away I gazed at him from across the store sighing like the dorky girl that I am. Oh well, I can't help it, I have girl parts (anyone who knows what that's from, rules beyond belief). We all talked and had a generally good time. I noticed Bonna opening up more and feeling much more comfortable around my friends. That's really great. I was hoping she'd warm up to everyone eventually. Barnes and Noble's closed at 11 and some of us regrouped at waffle house. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. One of the first ones in a long time which I haven't ended by lamenting about my lonliness and lack of a significant other. It still bothers me but I'm glad I didn't let any of that stuff darken my mood tonight. I've been letting the whole situation really get to me lately. "Get to me" has been complete with sobbing sessions and utter self loathing. What fun! I can't even put words to the utter despair the whole thing has brought me (this is also due to a number of other things related to this that have gone awry recently. It's amazing how little things, semi significant things, but still little things can knock you down with such ease and swiftness). That's all for tonight. Ta Ta