Nov 24, 2004 17:01
I hardly ever update livejournal anymore.
I guess having no time, plus people to talk to in real life kind of takes away from venting online.
Plus, I think I know most of my lj friends in real life.
Starbucks finally told me they were promoting me.
My office manager/receptionist job at the Yoga and Pilates Center rocks more than I could ever explain... I think having to much time to "myspace it up" as my friend said, and talk to people didn't do me good.
It really sucks when someone you thought you could be great friends with suddenly treats you like nothing. I guess real caring comes later, so it's easy to write people off. I wouldn't really know.
Found my horoscope interesting. Sort of.
Dear Jennifer,
Here is your horoscope
for Wednesday, November 24:
Love affairs will be unusual, spontaneous and highly exciting -- all of which may leave you feeling a bit unsettled. Don't let it get to you. Enjoy the unpredictability, and just let go.
Ughh. I'm tired of talking.
Ps- I hate holidays when I'm feeling like shit.