(no subject)

Nov 23, 2005 19:04

I'm bored. I could go off and see people, but then I think I should be tidying my room ... and somehow, if I don't get up from my seat, I can pretend that I'm still on a dinner break, and therefore my non-room-tidying is justified. Then again, why should I tidy my room ?? Apart from the fact that the floor is filling up, the desk needs cleaning and I can never find anything any more. After all, it's my room, and if I choose to live surrounded by my own junk then that's my own problem n'est-ce pas ?? I'm also feeling that my laziness is justified since I did work today. I thought I'd done quite a lot of work actually, but now I'm not sure. I mean, I got pretty much everything done. Even work due for Friday *gasp* when today is only Wednesday. Finished my first ever essay. It was on the Mafia - hardcore !! See and you thought us linguists were all a bunch of pussies !! Anyway, the essay itself wasn't particularly good, I got really lazy towards the end of my research so it doesn't go past 1992. Hopefully the marker will be stuck in a timewarp or something. Anyway judging by the amount of effort other people are putting in (most of them started it today and haven't been to the library), I'm not that worried. I shouldn't judge myself by other people should I ?? Come to think of it, my French homework was a bit shit too ... still if they will give us shitty topics, I mean the pros and cons of McDonalds I ask you !! We get gay marriage for assessed coursework though, should be funtastic.

I'm just pretty much running through my day there, and random shit work I've done ... how exciting. There wasn't really a need to start a new paragraph here, I was going to examine the previous one before I realised just how little there was to examine. For some reason I don't indent paragraphs on lj, everywhere else I do ...

I think my boredom is rubbing off on this entry. Maybe I'll just fuck the tidying and go out. But baby it's cold outside. Does anyone like Nine Black Alps ??

Went to see HP on Saturday. Who loves it ?? Everyone does don't they ?? To be fair I liked it but I didn't love it. Better than the others to be sure but they all just pale in comparison with the books. Is it ok to fancy Hermione ?? My mate does, he gets the piss ripped a bit. I apologise profusely for this post. I always do that. Normally it's because of the stupidity of posts, but this one's just damn boring !!

I actually find my posts quite interesting, even boring ones. That seems really odd, does anyone else find this about their own posts ?? Maybe it's because I can relate to the person that wrote it.

Ooh a good song just came on. Can't wait for karaoke night again here so I can rock the house again :P. 'twas the funness though. Also need to get someone to do 'Fairytale of New York' with me when Christmas rolls around :). Is everyone excited ?? I keep asking random questions, looking for a bit of audience participation. God I hate those two words, words of death. Make me want to hide in my seat.

Ok I'm totally going to get some fruit now. Is 'totally' a southern thing ?? Tim takes the piss out of me for saying it all the time, and then I noticed Sean doing it when I saw him, so I was just-a-wondering if anyone else is afflicted.

If you've been affected by any of the issues mentioned in this post of boredom, comment away :). Hxx
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