All the pawns must be put into place… [twisting_fate]

Feb 07, 2005 22:29

The past week has been quite interesting if I do say so myself, even for working here and actually knowing what goes on.

Found a new girl that was eager to work here - maybe a bit too eager - but was willing none-the-less. I gave her a trial run, along with that little spitfire Raven, I don’t think this firm’s seen that much potential since…well let’s just say it’s been a long time. Hmmm I wonder how she’s doing with lil miss Harmony…

Ohh I’ll have to be sure to check in on them a little later, that should be quite a sight. I wonder how long it will take for Raven to want to stake Harmony or hold he outside one of the doors to see how quickly she dusts… I give it about an hour. Two - tops.

But that fun is for later, I’m busy getting ready for my little meeting with our resident lawyer on the run Lindsey. That no whit Harmony finally brought me the files I wanted, after seven trips to Files and Records.

Seems that Lindsey kept himself quite hidden, I found the shaman that did the tattoos on our former golden boy. A few of the boys had some…words with him and we found out he was in New York. With some stupid bimbo no less, no idea what that’s about. How quickly they forget when they’ve been away. He fought so hard for Darla and he just goes on and forgets her. Tisk tisk. Men just don’t seem to get it, they love a woman then they forget her a few months later.

Wouldn’t you know our luck that he was actually on his way to LA to get some touch up done to his tattoos…how fatefully convenient. It didn’t take me much time to find him afterwards. I even sent him and his girl some flowers, I’m sure he’ll get the message loud and clear. I’m not taking no for an answer.

I was going to have to look into who this woman was, it takes a special kind of idiot to fall in love with a Wolfram and Hart employee…especially Lindsey McDonald. I already started sending my message to him, he just didn’t know it…yet.

Looking in the glass window I adjust my skirt before heading into the quiet restaurant that I demanded requested Lindsey meet me at. Smirking to myself I knew he’d be there, not only did I have the upper hand but I had something up my sleeve, and he knew it.

I was determined to get Angel and his band of freaks out of Wolfram and Hart before they turned it into some stupid daycare center or some crap like that. Wolfram and Hart is the most powerful entity in this and several other dimensions. I refuse to let all of Daddy’s hard work go to waste.

Walking up to the back booth I saw him sitting there, clenching a cup of coffee in his hand, I think if he held the cup any harder it would shatter. “Hello Mr. McDonald…I’m so glad you could come…” Giving him a candy coated smile I sat down across from him.

[Open to Lindsey]
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