It's been awhile since I've been on this thing, so to refresh everyone's memory, my name's Mari and this is Who I Am in a hundred questions/answers.
1. Does someone have a crush on you?: A few that I'm aware of...
2. Last thing you ate?: A Kashi cereal bar. Strawberry filling, I believe.
3. Do you have A.D.D.?: What?
4. Who was the last person you messaged over MySpace?: Haven't logged onto that thing in about a year...
5. I cant wait until...: I publish a book and sell millions so that I'll never have to work again to support myself.
6. What color shirt are you wearing?: Teal. It is soft and silky to the touch. [touches]
7. Who was your last text message on your cell from?: Noriko. ("din is almst rdy marz. get ass here. hngry.")
8. Are you paranoid?: Probably the least paranoid person you'll ever meet. However, am quite street-savvy. Like, when thugs threaten to kick my ass, confusing me for the wrong gender and a full-time, card-holding member of The Cracker Club (only half-time, guys *knee slap*), I generally hit the ground running. True story.
9. Favorite place to go on weekends?: Anywhere's fine, s'long as I'm surrounded by cool. Particularly, though, I like the bookstore and the beach at night.
10. Do you like the person you are becoming?: Yes.
11. Are you tired?: Yes.
12. Are your friends all changing?: Change happens as you age and experience shit; it's inevitable. The core, though, doesn't change. Not usually.
13. Is there an iPod near you?: Possibly... my iPod's been missing.
14. Are your parents strict?: They're pretty chill. Though, when I was younger, my mom went through the Asian tradition of Force Child To Music Ressons Take, Preferabry Piano In. As it turns out, my rebellious American side is stronger/more obnoxious.
15. What's the last movie you saw?: X-Files 2
16. Are you a friendly person?: Definitley friendly. However, if I don't know you well and you piss me off by doing something incredibly stupid, I can be incredibly bad-ass.
17. Are you a good driver?: Suprisingly so, yes. Now, if everyone would goddamn give me a turn signal right before abrubtly stopping and bending one, that would be great. Also, when I give a goddamn turn signal, slow the fuck down rather than speed the hell up. Thanks.
18. Do you like anyone right now?: Yes.
19. Do you have any tattoos?: I am still un-inked, though I am considering to get a tiny one, somewhere. Easily camouflaged. Maybe nude-colored ink...? Or invisi-ink! Only shows up when it hits the light at a certain angle.
20. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?: Fuck that.
21. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: I prefer sleeping alone, but... exceptions can be made.
22. Do you consider yourself creative?: Pretty creative. Productively? At times... at times.
23. What are you listening to right now?: The disc drive going in and out, in and out, in and out. And... [opens new tab, enters URL, click, click, click...] "The Wild Wind" by B'z. For I am wild. Like the wind.
24. Done anything you regret so far this week?: Maybe.
25. The highlight of your week?: Getting asked by Master Sang if I ever trained before in martial arts. Also, earning the trust of someone whom I respect a great deal.
26. Have you changed much this year?: I learned that I have the guts to get up in front of 300 people and make an ass out of myself. Will be doing that more often, yes.
27. Do you dress for style or comfort?: Mostly for comfort, but I do so stylishly.
28. Name someone with the same birthday as you: Prince William
29. Are you shy around the opposite gender?: Pretty relaxed around them until they start getting the wrong idea. Then I go Stony Asian on them.
30. Ever liked someone that you didn't think you stood a chance with?: No, I've always been firmly grounded in reality and have never let my feelings get the better of me. Ever.
31. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?: Most of them.
32. Do you want to change your name?: My parents didn't screw up when they named me. Good job, guys.
33. When was the last time you saw your father?: Today.
34. Are you single?: Yes.
35. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back?: Right now, my right brow is quirked in an incredulous manner.
36. Is there advertisement on the side of this page?: "THIS IS NOT A JOKE / YOU ARE THE 5,409,751,610th VISTOR TO SEE THIS LUCKY BANNER / CLICK HERE TO CLAIM!"
37. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?: Elvis.
38. Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?: They make shooting that chipmunk wa-a-a-ay too easy... but I guess that's the point.
39. How many drugs have you done in the past three days?: Nah.
40. Small thing in life that pisses you off?: Twilight and its legion of Moron.
No. Seriously. WTF? It sucks, people. Glittering vampires is the lamest thing ever.
41. How is your hair currently styled?: Short, growing longer, slightly wavy... Bruce Lee Gone Lazy?
42. Do you have anger management problems?: People who have known me since childhood have yet to see me red-faced and puffing.
43. On a date, who should pay?: I usually end up paying.
44. What's today's date?: August 4, 2008.
45. How many people are on your contact list of your cell?: 71
46. Would you ever date anyone on your friends list?: I would like to take someone out on a pretend-date one of these days.
47. Do you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call?: On occasion...
48. Do you get claustrophobic?: Only if it's been brought to my attention. For some reason, the space between my toes needs air now.
Shit, seriously. This is really bad.
49. Have you been out of the USA?: Japan and Korea.
50. What do you look for in a guy/girl?: To set the record, I am into Banana, not Papaya. Moving on, I look for a good personality, and yes, good looks. The guy has to make me almost pee my pants from laughter. He has to be witty and relaxed; witty and kind-hearted; witty and practical; witty and optimistic, if slightly jaded. You get the point. If he has a smoldering gaze on top of all that, my pants are his to wreck.
51. What's the fastest you have gone in a car?: 93
52. How many hearts have have you broken?: I usually avoid that by refusing their advances straight from the start.
53. Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?: It's been awhile. However, if we're talking celebrities, then Taguchi Junnosuke.
54. Have you ever been rejected by a crush?: Confessed. Got rejected. It wasn't devastating; it was expected. Moved on.
55. Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it?: Probably, but generally, I don't make proclamations like that...
56. What is your last thought before you go to bed?: Since when did birds start chirping at night...? Fuck.
57. Do you play any instruments?: I still remember how to play the theme song from Nausicaa on the piano. I can also play a pretty mean tambourine.
58. What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?: Told a co-worker to "SHUT THE HELL UP" so our manager could speak at the last store meeting. Really obnoxious co-worker -- deserved it. Was told was incredibly bad-ass by other co-workers later. Smirked in smug manner rest of the night.
59. Have you ever been on a diet?: I like the euphemism "health initiative" a lot more.
60. How much alcohol did you have this week?: A few sips of Grey Goose and cranberry.
61. Who is number 1 on your top 8 on MySpace?: I don't even know.
62. Do you prefer dorks or geeks?: A Geeork.
63. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?: Without fail.
64. What is your screen name?: super mari 21 -- tenth anniversary this year, yes.
65. Who was the last person you talked to?: My brother.
66. How was this weekend?: Teaful.
67. Do you like the beach?: At night, when the stars are out and the wind is cool and soft, like chilled cat fur against your face...
68. When was your last doctor's visit?: A year ago...?
69. Are you psychic?: Nah, but I'm pretty damn intuitive.
70. Do you wish to have the same best friends when you're older?: Definitely. Plus some.
71. What's your worst personality flaw?: Inability to switch off the Sexy.
72. You + alcohol = wildly embellished stories replete with wild gesticulation and awe-inspiring acrobatics of the face
73. Ever won a spelling bee?: Ever stepped on a bee? I have.
74. Can you change the oil on a car?: Yep.
75. What did you dream last night?: I dream many things, but they are mine...
76. What is your favorite color?: Green! No, red! Yellow...?
77. What is your favorite animal?: Doggie!
78. Are you athletic?: Why, yes. I can walk, jump, skip-to-the-loo, [insert other impressive feats of physical dexterity]
79. What was the last song to get stuck in your head?: "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash, in which I actually created a miniature ring of fire using strands of my own hair and squirts of canola oil.
Bowl of dirt nearby and Febreeze Fresh Scent to eliminate the odor. Whoo-hoo!
80. If you could invite three people to a dinnerparty, living or dead, who would they be?: hyde, John Cleese, Abraham Lincoln.
81. What TV program do you never miss?: Up yours, Technicolor Wonder!
82. What band or artist do you think is highly overrated?: Chemical Romance and other bands in which the men are obviously lacking some serious packaging by evidence of their pants.
83. Anything you wish you were good at?: Telling people to go jump into a cesspool of flesh-eating bacteria and other cool surprises.
I guess it's a good thing I suck at that because otherwise, I would have been screwed on more than one occasion. Many, many occasions...
84. What is your biggest turn off?: Willful stupidity.
85. What is your best feature: I have dimples when I smile. That, and my white, pointy left canine.
86. Are you a good judge of character: Yes, but I'll be nice anybody. Unless they insist on having their faces stuffed up their own asses and are generally nasty/inconsiderate ass-mongers.
87. Any phobias?: Creepaphobia...? Or just a really strong aversion to creeps.
88. First album you ever bought?: Uh...
89. First gig you ever went to?: Bonzai concert when I was fourteen.
90. Favourite food?: Indian, Japanese, and Mexican.
91. Do you look your age?: I'm often told by people that I resemble a twelve-year-old boy, but they admit to exaggerating. More like sixteen. But seriously, eighteen. I'm twenty-two.
92. Do you drink: Do fish...? This is a serious question.
93: Do drugs?: Drugs are for people who can't get enough of a high on their own reserves...
Sound close-minded? You can stuff it in a pipe and smoke it.
94: Is there anyone you don't speak to anymore?: Yes. Mostly due to the fact that over time, you fall out of touch with people.
95: Life ambition: I'm working on it.
96. Love or money?: I can live with both.
... But if you're forcing me to pick: Twue Wuv.
97. What year were you born?: 1986
98. Are you in any clubs or societies?: TNT - Take Kwon Do and Muay Thai
99. What is your Pet Peeve?: Twilight. Also, stupidity.
100. Pick one word to summarize you: I've been told I'm funny, so I'll stick with that.