whaT a daY!

Jul 09, 2003 23:58

WOW! it has taken forEVER to write in this dang thing. i really do hate the internet, with a passion. i have typed in here about 3 times now and it hasn't saved the first thing because of STUPID, aNNoyinG people calling my house!!!!!! >:/

so i will start again.

-- today has been a pretty good day besides the whole charade going on now with my computer. me & my younger sister went over to my cousins house today (Samantha) to go swimming. that didn't last but for about 30 minutes because of the stormy weather that was coming. (can we say scary). but i must say, we did have some fun :D. *earthworm jim* LMAO. "last night i think i saw some people walking around with flash-lights." noooo retard, it was US! (the skinny man at the lake!!) hahahhha. well anyways, me & Samantha went inside to slave around the house cleaning like the little angels we are! haaa! and then we helped with dinner. i just love my aunty :P
After we ate, we sat down to watch a movie, 'Girl, Interrupted' and despite how eery it seemed, i liked it alot!! you should DEF. see it ;] so now i am at home putting up with my computers BS & reading Kenneth's IM's of "what is so funny niggie" along with all of the other retarded names he calls me. he says he misses me. hahahahah, he is just too craZy. so anyways, that has been my so-called day. post me something to read :)

-- i have to say i don't know where i would be without my aunts & my deddy. they have given me hope like no one else!!! so much love<3

The Way You Are

brought to you by Quizilla

hmm.. coulda fooled me? lol :P

laterrrrr guyssss<3
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