Jan 09, 2009 12:00
[the Sphere pops on showing a pair of pin-striped legs walking along the side of an escalator on Level 15. can't see his face yet, but he's grinning like mad, damned proud of his new creation.]
Brilliant! Better than I expected! I'll have to thank Sasuke and the other ninja--[notices the sphere's broadcasting and he groans] Again?! Blimey, such a finicky piece of machinery, aren't you? I wish you'd stop doing that. [sighs and nudges the Sphere away from him. he can't help wondering what attracts strong-minded things to him.]
Well, don't know about the rest of you, but the lack of gravity loses its novelty after a time. Bad enough I'm resorting to drinking tea out of little plastic bags. There's a much easier and palate pleasing way to preserve food items, but apparently this ship isn't capable of that technology yet. [mutters] Big surprise there.
Where was I...oh yes! So, I noticed what those ninja lads were up to and I figured, well, I could do the same, if not better, and [grins cockily] I have. See? [pokes his sphere to turn and focus on his trainers. one foot's raised like he was caught midstep--which he was and he's slightly annoyed about it too, but his eagerness to show off hides all that.] Look like regular ol' Chucks, don't they? But what you can't see is the intricate mechanisms built onto two inserts inside them. They work on a system of attraction and repulsion, kind of like magnets but they work on more surfaces than just metal alone. As one foot goes down, the other foot is repelled away from the surface. Works fantastic when you're walking! Well...I suppose if you had more than two feet there'd be a problem, however! I can work around that!
The best part? Stamp your free foot down and you can propel yourself away from the surface you're on! Just do a little tumble in the air or swing your feet about and the mechanisms will latch you onto the next surface. Or you'll hit your head if you're not too careful, either one. Depends on how nimble you are in the air.
So! [smiles eagerly] Would anyone like me to make you up a pair while I'm here? They're frightfully easy to make--don't know why I never thought of them sooner. If not, well...you'll be missing out on a lot of fun!
*verse: crucible_rpg,
crucible: *cycle 2,
with: lara croft [ou],
with: abel nightroad [au],
with: matsumoto rangiku [ou],
with: lyle dylandy [ou],
with: death the kid [ou],
crucible: spaceman dance