For Messages

Jun 14, 2010 20:22

[luckily for anyone who may have stumbled upon the number to the TARDIS, the Doctor has installed an answer phone! no guarantees on how often he checks it, however.]

"Yes, hello, this is the Doctor! Sorry, I'm not in--well, obviously I'm not in, 'else I would've answered differently. I'm a bit busy at the mo'. You know how it is: people and places to see, planets to save. The usual.

So! Just leave a little thirty-second blurb about yourself after the tone with your name, relative time period, location in the universe, and nature of your call/emergency/request/etc., and I'll phone you back at my earliest convenience."

[a click followed by the promised tone~]

[It should be noted that the TARDIS phone can accept text messages as well, but again, he's not very good with this whole promptness thing.]

!ooc, !messages

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