θ 56 [Mutiny]

Sep 06, 2009 12:37

[after taking some time out to think and sift through his memories of the ship--and of course fixing himself a cuppa to help fire up those synapses--he finally leaves his room and makes his way down to Level 11. he had heard Ryuuko's transmission from there earlier, but something about the level itself still bothers him. once there, he turns away from the brig section of the level and heads toward where the entrance to the secondary maintenance bay should be--but its doors have never opened.]

Ganymede once mentioned there being another maintenance bay on this level, but we were forbidden to go into it. The library was like that once as well, but that eventually opened--but the bay never did. [mutters] Damn thing's deadlock sealed...

If you can, Orion, come down here, I think I--[his device goes off, sounding loudly from his coat pocket. his tone lightens]--well, I think I might have something. Do you need help getting down? [smiles mischievously] You sure you don't want that wheelchair?

crucible: *cycle 4, with: orion [npc], *verse: crucible_rpg, crucible: *quicktime event!, crucible: mutiny part 1

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