θ 43

Jul 03, 2009 12:57

[When the sphere pops on, he doesn't notice that it has since he's very much lost in his own thoughts. For all of the control he has over those mental shields of his, a few stray thoughts still manage to slip through, though, for a mind as great and vast as his, a few is more like a stream flowing steadily from his head, gathering above him like a swarm of angry bees about to descend upon whatever has earned their ire. Well, minus the noise and the potential for a lot of stinging, of course.

Ever wonder just what goes on in a Time Lord's mind? Unfortunately, some of the images contained within the thought bubbles are of complicated Gallifreyan symbols only he and the TARDIS can understand, but have another look and you'll see the ever constant presence of the blue police box as well as the TARDIS in her Time Lady form in several of the bubbles, and amongst those are three black holes, three different versions of the dead Ganymede, an alive Ganymede and Orion in separate bubbles, a cup of tea which turns into a tea kettle because he definitely feels like more than one. And actually, he gets up from where he's been sitting in the starboard observatory on level 14, and begins to head toward one of the fine restaurants there to have himself a cuppa. While he walks, more bubbles containing the number three, snatches of the warning on level three in different ones, a banana, and his sonic screwdriver pop up along with the rest.

Of course, now that he's just entering the restaurant--he only went to the nearest one, a pretty little affair with white linens and flowers everywhere--different items of food begin to appear above his head--along with a yo-yo, that old ridiculously long scarf of his, and a windmill--that quickly cover up the more gruesome images from his nightmare and some of the ones still floating above his head. The captain is ever present, and if one looked even closer, you might catch the one stray thought containing some thick chains, though for what purpose, only he knows.

As he goes to have a seat, he happens to catch a glimpse of himself in a convenient decorative mirror and he groans seeing the veritable storm of thought bubbles above his head.]

Not again... This is getting to be very damned intrusive.

[Starts to make a mental note to do some more mind training but stops--though not before another thought bubble appears containing a notepad and a pen scribbling away. He sees that in the mirror as well and begins to grumble under his breath, quite annoyed with himself.]

crucible: *cycle 4, crucible: a penny for your thoughts, *verse: crucible_rpg, with: tieria erde [ou], crucible: *public post, with: oliver day [ou]

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