θ 39

Jun 07, 2009 21:44

[he's definitely reaping the consequences of his wrong guess, having burnt his hand so bad he can't feel the wound except anywhere in the edges around it. thankfully, the TARDIS has bound his hand with strips from her dress so he doesn't have to see or smell the ugly wound.

and he doesn't show it, but losing K-9 hurt. he knew he would eventually, such is the nature of his existence and the ship doesn't hesitate to reinforce this with every new turn. the dog's a permanent fixture now in the forest, guarding over the wooden bow he left behind. it just isn't the same.]

I don't know how many of you tried to guess that riddle, and I don't dare to wonder what could've happened if someone tried more than once, but if you haven't already, treat your wounds. [surely, he'd be in a lot more pain if he hadn't compartmentalised that pain. he can't afford to let that get in his way right now.] Not having the barcode any longer means we can't even ask that robotic doctor to treat us--and I'm sure there are some who are glad about that. [Oliver.] Find someone who can get the medical supplies for you, especially if there's any blistering or charring of the skin. I doubt anything that can sear the barcodes from our hands will leave behind a minor burn. If the wound is on more than just your hand, treat it immediately and keep yourselves hydrated. Or your condition could worsen and we can't afford to have anyone waylaid by this, not when we're facing that black hole again.

Those of you who didn't try the riddle, please, if you can help the others get supplies, get into their rooms, hell, anything that requires the use of the barcodes, please do. Be their...their barcode buddies! One good turn and all, you know?

Coordinate with each other, get yourself treated.

And then we can see about investigating level three. [and finding Orion.] That is, if level three's even accessible again at this point. [ever the realist, he doubts it is.]

Meet at the entrance to level 24. That should be the best place for everyone to meet. [but as for what he and the TARDIS plan to do, well...]

with: klavier gavin [ou], *verse: crucible_rpg, crucible: *cycle 3, crucible: road to endgame, with: roxas [ou], with: lyle dylandy [ou], with: donna noble [ou], with: ishida ryuuko [au], crucible: *public post, with: riku [au], with: oliver day [ou]

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