θ 33

May 09, 2009 09:55

[curfew's just ending and where is he? in his suite like an obedient passenger, except he's not chomping on his bit to leave as usual, no, not today. when the sphere turns on, he's standing in the bathroom, the door closed, and wearing only just a pair of pyjama bottoms as he hangs his head over the sink. his face remains hidden from view as ( Read more... )

with: aerith gainsborough [au], with: the tardis [au], *verse: crucible_rpg, crucible: *plot break, with: ishida ametatsu [au], crucible: *cycle 3, with: oliver day [ou]

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oliverplus May 9 2009, 19:27:04 UTC
Doctor? You're awake early. [so is he, for that matter, but at least he looks healthy now]


bit_impossible May 9 2009, 19:49:56 UTC
[okay, so he does look a little more tired than normal] Well you know me, I don't exactly sleep, Ollie.

[squints his eyes] What happened to your bandages?


oliverplus May 9 2009, 19:52:05 UTC
[mutters] You look like you tried to.

[can't help but grin at that] Don't need 'em. I'm all healed up!


bit_impossible May 9 2009, 20:11:56 UTC
Just an experiment, really. [innocently runs a hand through his wet hair.]

Are you really? How'd you manage that?


oliverplus May 9 2009, 20:24:36 UTC
[eyes him] What kind of experiment?

Riku managed that! Did you know he can use magic?


bit_impossible May 9 2009, 20:27:32 UTC
Just a sleep meditation type thing I was working on. For the TARDIS. [which is true...]

...Can he really?


oliverplus May 9 2009, 20:36:44 UTC
Didn't work, did it?

Yeah! [holds up his left arm] Look! Good as new.


bit_impossible May 9 2009, 20:41:51 UTC
Possibly not. Have to work out some of the kinks...

[he's more interested in Oliver's suddenly healed arm.] Well, he did say he had a unique fighting style, so perhaps some kind of magic use wouldn't be out of the question either.


oliverplus May 9 2009, 20:52:44 UTC
Possibly not?

I thought magic always had an explanation? But what he can do is amazing! I mean, it's only been like a week since I broke it, and you wouldn't even know I did.


bit_impossible May 10 2009, 02:19:59 UTC
Well, you know how experiments go. Gotta try it more than once. [rubs the back of his neck]

Magic does, like slight of hand, or the use of some device to excite protons, electrons, any kind of -trons--not the film, Tron, though. [has a soft spot for that one.]


oliverplus May 10 2009, 02:32:02 UTC
[raises an eyebrow at him] Some things shouldn't be tried at all.

Well, whatever it was, it fixed me right up! And yes, I checked with R2 before I left the hospital. [doesn't see any need to let the Doctor know Riku cautioned him to rest up to help him recover from the trauma of the injuries]


bit_impossible May 10 2009, 02:52:05 UTC
Certain things, no. [but for his TARDIS, he'll do anything.]

Did you now? [arches an eyebrow at that, his look far more sceptical than the one aimed his way.]


oliverplus May 10 2009, 02:55:24 UTC
[frowns disapprovingly, trying to decide whether to confront the Doctor about it or not]

Yeah, I did! Don't give me that look. You already made it very clear what you would do if I tried to leave again without getting that thing's okay.


bit_impossible May 10 2009, 03:41:54 UTC
[pretends he doesn't see that frown.]

[and just smiles instead] Good! I'm sure there's a recovery period where that's involved, but at least I don't have to yell at you to get back to the hospital again. I take it you're already back in your room?


oliverplus May 10 2009, 03:51:31 UTC
I had a long enough "recovery period." And 'course I am! Where else would I be? [it is only just the end of curfew, after all]


bit_impossible May 10 2009, 05:09:39 UTC
Oh. Good point... [oddly enough, he hasn't been noting the time, not this night.]


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