Jun 09, 2006 21:40
So I havent posted in god knows how long but here goes...
Today was and still is a great day. I got off work this morning looking forward to the weekend off. Came home and slept till 4 and woke up and went and played some basketball with my brother and his friends. After spending most of the first game on the ground, this part of the game was not fun, I said fuck it and went home...
Dave Ree calls me at about 6 asking if I wanted to play ball with everyone at Fountain. I agreed and headed up to the school to play, what was about to be, the best game of basketball I think I have ever seen some of the ewoks play... So we, (Dave Ree/Mike T/Miller/and myself), played a warm up game against Pat Wees(sp) untill Marty and Garret showed up.
We quickly finished the game only to find we were being chalanged by a group of five black kids.( The race of the chalanging group didnt bother me but I could see a little tention within some of my team mates; that and Andrew Miller felt we were going to be devistated because they were negros but I wasnt about to let my team go down like that.) Anyways, we all maned up and started what I felt was quite an epic game.
I have to giving credit to Mike T and Marty for their husle and rebounding, and Dave lee for his one point contribution , but most of all I have to say Garret showed his stuff tonight. Not only did he match me point for point, he had some good feeds and rebounds.(And it was really funny when the guy dave was guarding schooled him by putting the ball in his knees and faked him out but fake shooting it. lol, dave turned right around looking for the ball in the air and the kid still had it. I coulnt help but laugh, sorry dave hahaha)
The game raged on for some time and both teams tired. In the end the final score was: Wohdies-15 Ewoks-13. I hope that we get to play them again soon. This was by far one of the best games I have played in a wile with the ewoks.
Time to go up north with Gina and relax for the weekend.